
Gulfam Khan Hussain: I don't believe in the tag of 'best' friend

Mumbai, 06 August 2024 (UTN). Actress Gulfam Khan Hussain, who is part of the show Gehna- Zewar Ya Zanjeer, says that she has never believed in having just one close friend. The actress adds that she has a group of friends who she is very close to. “Friends are the family you choose. I have a bunch of friends, and I feel blessed to have them. I don't believe in the tag of 'best' friend, just like a parent can't say that one child is their 'favourite.'   I can't say that any one friend is the best,” she says. She adds, “Friendship, to me, is sacred. Loyalty means everything. Just like with siblings, you might fight or have differences, but you know you'll always be there for each other. You'll always have each other's backs. My oldest friend is Maitri (coincidentally, her name means 'Friendship'). We've been friends since we were three years old. We have a group of five friends from school who are constantly in touch.   Other childhood friends I'm still very close to include Sameera Menezes Pinto and Qamar Baig Jangid. I'm like the non-biological daughter of the Baig family. I also have close friends in the industry.” The actress adds that her friends mean the world to her. “In a few words, I have quite a few friends who are there for life. I have their backs, and they have mine. As the lyrics of the famous sitcom FRIENDS go: I'll be there for you (When the rain starts to pour) I'll be there for you (Like I've been there before) I'll be there for you ('Cause you're there for me too).   Mumbai-Reporter, (Hitesh Jain).


Aug 6, 2024

As life changes, new friends come and go, says Hansa Singh on Friendship's Day

Mumbai, 06 August 2024 (UTN). Actress, tarot card reader, healer and occultist Hansa Singh, who has been part of projects like Human, Criminal Justice 3 and the film Goodbye, says that at different points in life, we encounter different people and they become our friends. The actress adds that she has a few people, currently part of her life, who are her biggest support system.    “I'm very particular about the meanings of words like family, friendship, and love. They carry a lot of weight, and I can't use them loosely. The significance of ‘friendship’ is particularly important in my life. As a child, I believed that school friends were best friends for life, but that hasn't always been the case. As life changes, new friends come and go,” she says. She adds, “In today's scenario, if I were to consider friends like family, I have two.   Munisha Khatwani and Dr. Veena Shinde. Munisha and I have been through everything together, standing by each other in good times and bad. Dr. Veena Shinde has been a constant presence since I began my life in Mumbai. We share our love, sorrows, and the ups and downs of life, always encouraging and supporting each other. These two are my friends and family in Amchi Mumbai.”   Mumbai-Reporter, (Hitesh Jain).


Aug 6, 2024

The anticipated series stars Soumya Mukherjee and Neha Amandeep opposite each other in the lead role

Mumbai, 06 August 2024 (UTN). The story revolves around Rudra (played by Soumya Mukherjee) son of powerful promoter Biswanath (played by Bharat Kaul) falls for Ira (played by Neha Amandeep) a young widow devoted to her late husband, Ayan. Despite Rudra's efforts, Ira rejects him, clinging to her past. Biswanath's company tries to buy Ira's house for a project, but her father-in-law refuses. Biswanath sends goons to intimidate them, but Rudra protects Ira and gets severely injured. Amidst all the chaos, how Ira and Rudra fall in love will be the heart of this series' story.    Soumya Mukherjee who is collaborating with Addatimes for the first time said, “I have also wanted to collaborate with Surinder Films for a long time and am so happy that Addatimes is doing passionate love stories and very well written OTT shows. I have grown up watching passionate love stories on screen but they are so rare these days in our industry. I am very grateful to Nispal Singh and Arijeet Toton Chakraborty for this show of faith and making me a part of this absolutely beautiful love story. I hope audience will love this show.”    Talking about his character he added, “Rudra is a fascinating character. I love essaying roles that are not one dimensional and Rudra is certainly not one dimensional. Yes he is unpredictable but he is a loyal and dedicated lover and he goes against the world even his own powerful family to pursue his love. I have also wanted to collaborate with Arijeet sir for a very long time because he has a very unique touch to all the work he does. Its been 3 months that we kept talking to each other about this story over call and in person so I am very emotionally also attached to this story.”    “The series is a soulful exploration of romance set against the gossamer backdrop of Kolkata. The monsoon season, with its beauty and introspective mood, provides the perfect canvas for this tale of love and longing. Neha Amandeep and Soumya Mukherjee, the film's leading pair, promise to ignite the screen with their chemistry. As the city of joy embraces the monsoon, so too will hearts open to the magic of 'Dekhechi Tomake Srabone.” says director Arijeet Toton Chakraborty who has recently delivered a hit series Preme Pora Baron. Neha Amandeep who is set to make her web debut with Addatimes says, “What made me choose the character of Ira is her capacity to rediscover hope in the face of adversity. To me, she is a testament to the resilience of the human heart.   Her decision to grant life and love another chance is a profound act of bravery, a testament to her unwavering belief in the enduring power of human connection. It’s the extraordinary blend of vulnerability and strength, of sorrow and hope, that renders Ira such a compelling character. Her journey is a poignant exploration of the complexities of love, loss, and the courage to start a new.” Dekhechi Tomake Srabone also stars, Tulika Basu, Moyna Mukherjee, Aditya Bakshi, Buddhadeba Bhattacharya, and the charismatic Bharat Kaul, adds depth and richness to the narrative. Directed by Arijeet Toton Chakraborty the music of the series is helmed by Savvy the songs are sung by Lagnajita Chakraborty and Debayan. The series is slated to release this September.   Mumbai-Reporter, (Hitesh Jain).


Aug 6, 2024

डाक्टर विभाष राजपूत ने किया विश्वभर में देश का नाम रोशन

नई दिल्ली, 06 अगस्त 2024 (यूटीएन)। बागपत सामुदायिक स्वास्थ्य केन्द्र के चिकित्सा अधीक्षक व प्रमुख समाजसेवी डाक्टर विभाष राजपूत ने यूनेस्को की 46वीं विश्व धरोहर समिति की बैठक में 195 देशों के 2000 से अधिक प्रतिनिधियों के समक्ष विश्व की सबसे बड़ी डिजीटल स्वास्थ्य सेवा ई-संजीवनी का प्रदर्शन किया। इस बैठक का आयोजन भारत सरकार के संस्कृति मंत्रालय द्वारा नई दिल्ली के भारत मंडपम प्रगति मैदान में किया गया। डाक्टर विभाष राजपूत वर्ष 2023 में आयोजित जी-20 शिखर सम्मेलन नई दिल्ली में भी अपनी प्रतिभा का शानदार प्रदर्शन कर चुके है। डाक्टर विभाष राजपूत अद्धभुत प्रतिभा के धनी व्यक्ति है और वह किसी भी विषयवस्तु को बहुत ही सरल भाषा में प्रस्तुत करते है, जिससे लोगों को आसानी से विषयवस्तु समझ में आ जाती है। उनकी इसी प्रतिभा को देखते हुए उनको उत्तर प्रदेश राज्य से यूनेस्को की 46वीं विश्व धरोहर समिति की बैठक में विश्व की सबसे बड़ी डिजीटल स्वास्थ्य सेवा ई-संजीवनी का प्रदर्शन करने के लिए आमंत्रित किया गया। डाक्टर विभाष राजपूत ने अन्तर्राष्ट्रीय मंच पर ई-संजीवनी को सफलतापूर्वक प्रस्तुत किया।    और उनके द्वारा ई-संजीवनी के प्रदर्शन को देश-विदेश से आये मेहमानों ने अत्यन्त सराहा और डिजीटल इंड़िया की प्रशंसा की। डाक्टर विभाष राजपूत ने बताया कि 21 जुलाई वर्ष 2024 से 31 जुलाई वर्ष 2024 तक उन्होंने भारत मंडपम प्रगति मैदान नई दिल्ली में यूनेस्को की 46वीं विश्व धरोहर समिति की बैठक में ई-संजीवनी का प्रदर्शन किया। कहा कि 11 दिनों तक सुबह 9 बजे से रात्रि 9 बजे तक लगातार 12 घंटो तक ई-संजीवनी के प्रदर्शन को जिस प्रकार विश्वभर में सराहा गया, उससे उनकी थकान पलभर में दूर हो गयी और मन को जो आत्मिक शांति मिली उसको वे बयां नही कर सकते। डाक्टर विभाष राजपूत ने कहा कि उनके लिए देश सर्वोपरि है और उनके पास जो भी कुछ है वह सब कुछ देश के लिए न्यौछावर है। इस अवसर पर डाक्टर विभाष राजपूत ने मिनिस्ट्री ऑफ इलैक्ट्रानिक एंड़ इन्फोरमेशन टेक्नॉलाजी भारत सरकार के सेक्रेटरी एस कृष्णन, एड़िशनल सेक्रेटरी भुवनेश कुमार व अभिषेक सिंह, ज्वाइंट सेक्रेटरी संकेत भोंडवे, सुधा मूर्ति, सागर नाईक मुले, निक बूकर जैसी महान हस्तियों व जार्जिया, मारीशस, सेनेगल, फिनलेंड़, अजरबेजान, यूके, स्वीडन, फ्रांस सहित अनेकों देशों के डेलिगेटस के साथ लिए चित्रों को साझा किया।   बागपत-रिपोर्टर, (विवेक जैन)।


Aug 6, 2024

पश्चिमी व्यापारी एकता व्यापार मंडल ने किया नेशनल अवार्डी विपुल जैन को सम्मानित

बागपत, 06 अगस्त 2024 (यूटीएन)। पश्चिमी व्यापारी एकता व्यापार मंडल के बागपत जिला अध्यक्ष अभिषेक जैन के नेतृत्व में बरनावा शिव मंदिर पर विशाल कावड़ सेवा शिविर का आयोजन किया गया। शिविर में वरिष्ठ पत्रकार एवं नेशनल अवार्डी विपुल जैन पहुंचे। उनका यहां पर पश्चिमी व्यापारी एकता व्यापार मंडल के जिला अध्यक्ष अभिषेक जैन व उनकी टीम ने पटका पहनाकर व पुष्प वर्षा कर सम्मान किया। विपुल जैन ने पश्चिमी व्यापारी एकता व्यापार मंडल द्वारा कांवड़ियो के लिए लगाए गए कावड़ सेवा शिविर की सराहना की। कहा कि यह बहुत अच्छा कार्य है और इसके लिए पश्चिमी व्यापारी एकता व्यापार मंडल की पूरी टीम बधाई की पात्र है।   शिविर में व्यापार मंडल के समस्त पदाधिकारियो ने शिव भक्त  कावड़ियों पर फूल वर्षा कर सभी भक्तों को आलू की सब्जी, पूरी, कढ़ी, चावल, ठंडे दूध की बोतल, जलजीरा, सेब व केले के प्रसाद का वितरण किया। जिला अध्यक्ष अभिषेक जैन ने सभी शिवभक्तों को महाशिवरात्रि की शुभकामनाएं दी। कहा कि इसी प्रकार हर साल कावड़ यात्रा में शिव भक्तों की सेवा पश्चिमी व्यापारी एकता व्यापार मंडल के पदाधिकारियो द्वारा की जाएगी। इस अवसर पर राहुल जैन, अंकित गुप्ता, संजय वर्मा, जुबेर अहमद, अजीत जैन एडवोकेट, विकास गुप्ता, सचिन खोखर, भूपेंद्र दांगी, अंकुज खोकर, आदित्य, प्रिंस जैन जनता दल यूनाइटेड प्रदेश महासचिव , अंजू खोखर भाजपा नेत्री एवं अखिल भारतीय जाट महासभा की प्रदेश महासचिव, वंदना गुप्ता, मधु धामा आदि जिले एवम नगर कमेटी के समस्त पदाधिकारी मौजूद रहे।   बागपत-रिपोर्टर, (विवेक जैन)।


Aug 6, 2024

Madhuri Dixit will celebrate 40 years in the entertainment industry with her fans

Mumbai, 06 August 2024 (UTN). India – Bollywood superstar Madhuri Dixit, who made her film debut on August 10, 1984 with the film Abodh, is completing 40 years in the entertainment industry. Known for her exceptional talent and amazing charm, the lovely actress is planning to celebrate this beautiful occasion by reconnecting with her fans. Madhuri Dixit will embark on a special four-city tour of the US, titled 'The Forever Queen of Bollywood - Madhuri Dixit', from August 8 to August 11, 2024.   The megastar will visit New York, Dallas, New Jersey, and Atlanta, giving her fans an opportunity to celebrate this important occasion with her. Expressing her excitement about this tour, Madhuri Dixit said, "I always love meeting my fans because the feedback I get from them is amazing. Sometimes they come up to me and tell me how the various roles I have played in films have impacted their lives or what kind of roles they would like to see me play. This give and take of ideas is something I look forward to, and I love knowing who they are and what their lives are like. I have always cherished such interactions with my fans."    Shreya Gupta, Owner and Founder of Crazyholic Entertainment Pvt Ltd is the promoter of 'The Forever Queen of Bollywood - Madhuri Dixit' tour in India. Talking about the much-awaited tour she said. “We all know Madhuri ji as the Dhak Dhak girl. It is not just a nickname given by her fans but in true sense she is the heartbeat of her fans across the globe. We are getting a very positive and hi-octane response for the USA tour. We as a company have worked with many celebrities but it is a great pleasure for us to be associated with Madhuri Dixit.” Shaleen Bhanot will host Madhuri's tour events, while Atiq Sheikh of World Star Entertainment, New Jersey, is the national promoter of the tour.   Mumbai-Reporter, (Hitesh Jain).


Aug 6, 2024

It’s very important to seek career counseling: Gunjan Saini

Mumbai, 06 August 2024 (UTN). Amazon Mini TV’s Gutur Gu actress Gunjan Saini, who is also a poet, says she chose a few different career paths before becoming an actor. From choosing science in 11th grade to nursing and then acting, she went through some challenging choices and believes it’s important to get career counseling. She said, “I took science in 11th grade due to peer pressure, although my father had advised me to take arts since I had been learning Kathak from the age of 4. He really wanted me to become a professional dancer.    After 12th grade, I took the All India Nursing Exam and got into AIIMS Bhopal. I had a neighbor who was a nurse at AIIMS, and she was earning well.” “Seeing her, I wanted to pursue nursing. In my third year of nursing, I reflected on my love for dancing and acting, which led me to pursue mass communication in Mumbai. I believe it’s very important to seek career counseling. My father helped me decide on nursing and assisted in finding the right college. During the 3rd and 4th years of nursing, when I decided to become an artist, I was on that journey alone,” she added. Gunjan further shared that watching M.S. Dhoni: The Untold Story really motivated her to take risks.    When she is indecisive about some choices, she usually seeks advice from her close friends, partner, or management team. She said, “I am blessed to be surrounded by good people who are honest with me. I am a big risk-taker, living as an artist, and no risk can be bigger than that.”“Despite the uncertainty, I am still pursuing my dreams, writing every day with the hope that everything will fall into place. I am at a stage where fear doesn't stop me from taking risks. I love multitasking and keeping myself busy, so I edit my videos myself to stay occupied. Whenever I experience self-doubt, I ask my close ones for affirmations, and their encouragement helps me start hustling again,” Gunjan ended.   Mumbai-Reporter, (Hitesh Jain).


Aug 6, 2024

Sumbul Touqeer Khan on Kavita Kaushik retiring from TV due to regressive content

Mumbai, 06 August 2024 (UTN). Actress Sumbul Touqeer Khan, who is currently seen in the show Kavya - Ek Jazbaa, Ek Junoon, says that actress Kavita Kaushik bidding adieu from TV due to outdated content shows that TV needs to update its content. She says that it’s time to make big changes. “it is a strong sign. When talented actors leave because of the poor quality of stories, it shows there is a problem. It’s definitely time for the industry to think about making big changes in the kind of content we create,” she says.   Talking about the lack of progressive content on TV, she says, “I believe TV should show more progressive content. I have come across some old-fashioned stories. When that happens, I try to discuss with the team and see if we can make it better and more impactful. I sometimes think of the story as an audience and not an actor who is playing the character to get a better knowledge about the content.” She adds, “I think the industry is slowly changing. There are efforts to bring new and better stories. But it takes time for everyone to accept and embrace these changes.”   Ask her what changes she thinks are necessary for the TV industry to move towards more progressive and inclusive content, and she says, “We need to listen to the audience more and understand what they want. Writers should focus on real-life issues and diverse stories. More creativity and boldness in storytelling will help. I think times are changing and people are more interested in real life rather than reel life.” She adds, “Actors can choose roles that have a positive impact or characters that leave a lasting impact and are remembered for lifetime. We can speak up about the need for better stories and support projects that bring change.”   Mumbai-Reporter, (Hitesh Jain).


Aug 6, 2024

Sherleen Dutt: Describing oneself can be complex and nuanced

Mumbai, 06 August 2024 (UTN). Honey Trap Squad actress Sherleen Dutt says that it is tough to describe yourself to other people. She adds that we are often different with different people, based on the circumstances. “I am Inquisitive, empathetic, adaptable, knowledgeable, and conversational. Describing oneself can be complex and nuanced, often taking longer than expected as self-perception is multi-faceted and context-dependent. I agree that we present different sides of ourselves to different people based on context, relationship, and comfort levels,” she says. She adds, “Absolutely, there is often a private side that we express when we are alone, which might include vulnerabilities and unfiltered thoughts.   Meanwhile, she says that always being comfortable can limit you. “Staying in our comfort zones can limit personal growth and opportunities for new experiences and challenges. Staying in our comfort zones can limit personal growth and opportunities for new experiences and challenges,” she says.  She adds, “Moving out of comfort zones allows for significant growth and new experiences. For instance, starting to create poetry videos might have been daunting at first, but it likely led to enhanced creativity, self-expression, and a sense of accomplishment.” She says that people often perceive her to be very bold, but she is quite soft from within. “People often see me as a strong and bold actress, but inside, I sometimes cry alone. While I have bold thoughts, I'm not an extrovert.   I talk and call my friends very little, and though I have few friends, my connections with them remain consistent, even after years apart. I dislike when people are unclear and prefer not to give or receive lengthy explanations. I believe we all show different sides of ourselves to different people; with some, I'm more extroverted, while with others, I'm more introverted. Overall, I consider myself an ambivert. There is a very emotional side of me that no one knows, and I keep it hidden,” she says. She adds, “Despite my bold exterior, there's an emotional depth that I rarely share. Moving out of my comfort zone has been essential for my growth. For example, when I first started creating poetry videos, it was a daunting task. However, pushing through that initial discomfort allowed me to explore new creative avenues and express myself in ways I hadn't before.”   Mumbai-Reporter, (Hitesh Jain).


Aug 6, 2024

Divorce Drama Unfolds: Ruhi Signs Papers, Family in Shock

Mumbai, 06 August 2024 (UTN). Yeh Rishta Kya Kehlata Hai, Rohit sends the divorce papers to Ruhi at the Goenka House, and Manish tells Abhira that he hopes she has found the answer. Abhira agrees to become Ruhi’s lawyer for the case. She discusses with Ruhi that she should first try to give the marriage a chance, but Ruhi signs the divorce papers instead. Abhira returns to the outhouse and bumps into Rohit. He sees the divorce papers signed by Ruhi, and the family members are shocked. Kaveri questions Abhira and further blames her for spoiling everything in the house.   She accuses her of being jealous of Ruhi and suggests that this is why she wants to take her case, as she doesn’t trust her relationship. Later at the outhouse, Abhira and Armaan argue over this topic, and Armaan leaves, leaving Abhira hurt. Ruhi receives a video call from Rohit, who taunts her for breaking the marriage. Ruhi firmly tells him not to call and to contact her lawyer first. Vidya and Kaveri overhear Rohit's conversation, and Vidya scolds Rohit for speaking in such a wrong way to Ruhi. The next day, Armaan is tensed because Abhira hasn’t called him since the fight, and Abhira also wonders the same. Both of them get hiccups and try calling each other.   Mumbai-Reporter, (Hitesh Jain).


Aug 6, 2024