
बिन्दुनाथ जी के धाम में हुआ विशाल भण्ड़ारे और देवी जागरण का आयोजन

बागपत, 19 अक्टूबर 2024 (यूटीएन)। उत्तर भारत के प्रसिद्ध और सिद्ध तीर्थ स्थलों में शुमार बिन्दुनाथ जी उर्फ सिद्धेश्वरी नाथ जी के बरवाला स्थित चमत्कारी देव जाहरवीर गोगाजी धाम बरवाला में विशाल भण्ड़ारे और देवी जागरण का आयोजन हुआ। देवी माता के जागरण में उत्तर भारत के जाने-माने सिद्ध साधु-संतो ने शिरकत की। सर्वप्रथम धाम की महंत और आध्यात्मिक गुरू बिन्दुनाथ जी, गोरखनाथ आश्रम खोखरा भगवानपुर नांगल के प्रसिद्ध संत योगी अर्जुननाथ जी और बाबा अमीर गिरि धाम, हरिपूर कला, हरिद्वार की महंत गीतामनीषी डाक्टर राधा गिरि जी महाराज ने धाम में विधि-विधान के साथ पूजा अर्चना की। इसके उपरान्त धाम में भंडारे और जागरण शुभारम्भ हुआ।    जागरण में भजन गायकों ने एक से बढ़कर एक देवी मॉं के भजन सुनाकर श्रद्धालुओं को मंत्र-मुग्ध कर दिया। जागरण में आये अतिथियों का बिन्दुनाथ जी उर्फ सिद्धेश्वरी नाथ जी ने माला व पटका पहनाकर और धार्मिक चित्र भेंट कर सम्मानित किया। उपस्थित श्रद्धालुओं ने सिद्ध साधु-संतो का आशीर्वाद लिया। धाम की महंत बिन्दुनाथ जी ने धाम में पधारे समस्त अतिथियों व श्रद्धालुओं का आश्रम की ओर से आभार व्यक्त किया। इस अवसर पर गुरू गोरखनाथ धाम सांकरौद के संचालक व आध्यात्मिक गुरू सुरेश भगत जी, नेशनल अवार्डी एवं उत्तर प्रदेश सरकार द्वारा सम्मानित वरिष्ठ पत्रकार विपुल जैन, जितेन्द्र, नरेश, गोरा सुनार, अनिल, डब्लू, परवीन, सुनील गुप्ता उर्फ बोबी बड़ौत, योगेन्द्र गुप्ता बड़ौत, शुभम गुप्ता बड़ौत सहित सैंकड़ों की संख्या में लोग उपस्थित थे।   बागपत-रिपोर्टर, (विवेक जैन)।


Oct 19, 2024

Padma Shri Kailash Kher Honored by New York State Assembly During Bharatotsav 2024

Mumbai, October 19, 2024 (UTN). In line with the vision of the Honorable Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi to take Bharat's rich culture and heritage to every corner of the globe, Padma Shri Kailash Kher and his band Kailasa embarked on the highly successful Bharatotsav 2024 USA Tour. This tour has not only mesmerized audiences across the United States but also highlighted the spiritual, folk, and cultural depth of Indian music on a global stage.   The Bharatotsav Tour began with a grand Ganesh Utsav special concert in Seattle, where Padma Shri Kailash Kher’s electrifying performance set the tone for a culturally immersive experience. The journey continued in Chicago, where he and Kailasa headlined the Swadeshi Art Mela, promoting Bharat's vibrant folk music, art, and handicrafts to a vast and engaged audience. As cultural ambassadors of India, they helped reinforce the significance of India’s artistic heritage.   The tour then moved to New Jersey for a vibrant and colorful Navratri celebration, captivating the audience with devotional and energetic performances. In Boston, the pre-Diwali concert was especially significant, aligning with the Honorable Prime Minister's announcement of a new Indian consulate in Boston. This event symbolized the growing connection between India and the city, making it an important venue for promoting Indian culture.   The iconic Palace Theatre in Stamford, Connecticut hosted another memorable concert, drawing a large crowd of expatriates and second- and third-generation Indians studying and residing in this University City. This event was a special cultural bridge for younger generations, allowing them to reconnect with the roots of their heritage through the power of music.   Finally, the New York concert organized by the Indo-American Arts Council at the prestigious International House in Manhattan was a highlight of the tour. Held in collaboration with the Consulate General of India in New York, this event underscored the celebration of Indian culture within one of the world’s greatestcities.   For his efforts in promoting the arts and carrying the legacy of Bharat to the world, Padma Shri Kailash Kher was honored by the New York State Assembly with a prestigious Proclamation, recognizing him as an esteemed citizen of New York. The award was personally signed and presented by Assemblyman David Ira Weprin in a special ceremony during the tour.   Speaking about the honor, Padma Shri Kailash Kher said*, _“I am deeply humbled and honored to receive this recognition from the New York State Assembly. It is not just an award for me, but a tribute to the beautiful and soulful culture of Bharat that we have carried to all corners of the world. I sincerely thank Mr. David Ira Weprin and the New York State Assembly for this wonderful honor, which strengthens our resolve to continue spreading the message of love, unity, and spirituality through music.”   The Bharatotsav 2024 USA Tour has been a spectacular journey of cultural celebration, resonating with Indian and global audiences alike, and further cementing Padma Shri Kailash Kher’s role as a global ambassador for Indian folk and spiritual music. About Padma Shri Kailash Kher:Padma Shri Kailash Kher is a celebrated Indian spiritual singer, music composer, and lyricist, known for his powerful voice and heartfelt compositions. With numerous accolades and a global fanbase, Padma Shri Kailash Kher continues to inspire through his music that transcends boundaries and resonates with the soul.   Mumbai-Reporter,(Hitesh Jain).


Oct 19, 2024

प्रतिबंधित गौमांस सहित दो अभियुक्तों को बाद मुठभेड़ किया गिरफ्तार

खेकडा, 19 अक्टूबर 2024 (यूटीएन)। थाना पुलिस ने चैकिंग के दौरान 2 अभियुक्तों को बाद पुलिस मुठभेड़ घायल अवस्था में किया गिरफ्तार। अभियुक्तों के कब्जे से घटना में प्रयुक्त 2 अवैध तमंचा .315 बोर मय 2 जिन्दा कारतूस .315 बोर व 3 खोखा कारतूस भी बरामद।साथ ही करीब 6.5 क्विंटल प्रतिबन्धित पशु मांस तथा घटना में प्रयुक्त एक महिन्द्रा पिकअप नंबर डीएल-1 एलएएल-1964 भी कब्जे में ली गई।                          पुलिस अधीक्षक अर्पित विजयवर्गीय के निर्देशन में खेकडा पुलिस द्वारा अपराधों की रोकथाम एवं शातिर अपराधियों की गिरफ्तारी हेतु चलाये जा रहे अभियान के अन्तर्गत चैकिंग के दौरान 2 अभियुक्तों को बाद पुलिस मुठभेड़ घायलावस्था में गिरफ्तार किया गया है। गिरफ्तार अभियुक्तों के कब्जे से घटना में प्रयुक्त 2 अवैध तमंचा 315 बोर मय 2 जिन्दा कारतूस 315 बोर व 3 खोखा कारतूस, करीब 6.5 क्विंटल प्रतिबन्धित पशु का मांस तथा घटना में प्रयुक्त एक महिन्द्रा पिकअप भी बरामद हुई है।   उक्त गिरफ्तारी व बरामदगी के सम्बन्ध में गौवध अधिनियम तथा 3/25/27 आर्म्स एक्ट सहित अन्य धाराओं में मुकदमा पंजीकृत कर आवश्यक विधिक कार्यवाही की जा रही है। थाना प्रभारी निरीक्षक कैलाश चंद्र के नेतृत्व में उपनिरीक्षक देवेंद्र कुमार, अमरदीप सिंह आदि द्वारा की जा रही सघन चेकिंग में शातिर बदमाश हमलावर हो गये। सतर्क पुलिस टीम ने आत्म रक्षार्थ की गई कार्रवाई व मुठभेड़ के बाद गिरफ्तार अभियुक्त चाँद पुत्र अब्दुल सत्तार निवासी नई अशोक नगर थाना अशोक नगर दिल्ली व सद्दाम पुत्र अलाउद्दीन निवासी जेजे कॉलोनी थाना सेक्टर-20 नोएडा को गिरफ्तार किया गया ।   स्टेट ब्यूरो,( डॉ योगेश कौशिक ) |


Oct 19, 2024

धूमधाम से निकली महर्षि वाल्मीकि की शोभा यात्रा, जगह जगह हुआ जोरदार स्वागत

खेकड़ा, 19 अक्टूबर 2024 (यूटीएन)। कस्बे में गुरुवार को महर्षि वाल्मीकि की शोभा यात्रा निकाली गई। शोभा यात्रा में इष्ट देवों और देशभक्ति की झांकियां लोगों के लिए आकर्षण का केंद्र रही। यात्रा में पूरे समय धर्मावलम्बियों की भीड़ जुटी रही। यात्रा शाम सात बजे वाल्मीकि चौराहे से शुरू हुई। बैंड बाजो के साथ यात्रा ने समूचे कस्बे का भ्रमण किया। यात्रा का जगह-जगह स्वागत हुआ। देर शाम यात्रा वाल्मीकि मंदिर पर पहुंच कर संपन्न हुई।   यात्रा में महर्षि वाल्मीकि आश्रम, राधा कृष्ण, शिव पार्वती और देशभक्ति की दर्जनों झांकियां शामिल रही। महाभारत से जुडी झांकी सबसे अधिक आकर्षण का केन्द्र रही। ये झांकियां पूरे समय लोगों के आकर्षण का केंद्र बनी रही। धर्मावलम्बी पूरे समय भजनों पर झूमते रहे व अबीर गुलाल उड़ाते रहे। सुरक्षा के लिए पुलिस बल साथ साथ बना रहा। यात्रा का संचालन मनीष चिंडालिया, दीपक, राहुल, सुधीर, विकास, पिंटू, भीम, तेजपाल, अमरीश महरौल, मोहन वेदी आदि का सहयोग रहा।   स्टेट ब्यूरो,( डॉ योगेश कौशिक ) |


Oct 19, 2024

मेरे देश की माटी ऐसी जैसे बिखरा चंदन, महर्षि वाल्मीकि जयंती व शरद पूर्णिमा पर हुई काव्य गोष्ठी

खेकड़ा, 19 अक्टूबर 2024 (यूटीएन)। महर्षि वाल्मीकि जयंती व शरद पूर्णिमा पर कस्बे में गुरुवार को आयोजित काव्य गोष्ठी में कवियों ने अपनी रचनाओं से नमन किया। कवियों ने संस्कृति से जुडी कविताओं की प्रस्तुति दी। राष्ट्रीय कवि संगम और लोक साहित्य संस्कृति के तत्वाधान में कस्बे के गांधी इंटर कालेज में आयोजित काव्य गोष्ठी का शुभारम्भ वरिष्ठ कवि नगेन्द्र प्रसाद द्विवेदी ने मां शारदे के चित्र पर दीप प्रज्वलित कर किया। कवयित्री पारूल चौधरी ने सुनाया, मेरे देश की माटी ऐसी जैसे बिखरा चंदन।    कवयित्री डा बबीता खोखर ने सुनाया, वो मेरा गांव है पुराना नया सा, पुराना नया सा। कवयित्री भावना तोमर ने सुनाया, बेटी से ही घर की बगिया महके। कवि कश्यप राजेश ने सुनाया, शान जो वतन की है पावन ये गंगा। कवि विद्या सागर मौर्य ने सुनाया, दिल की दौलत से ज़माने खरीदे जाते हैं। कवयित्री पूनम नैन मलिक ने सुनाया, डगर की मुश्किलों से भागना अच्छा नहीं लगता। विभिन्न शहरों से आए कवियों में मन्जू देवी, रविन्द्र सिरोही, अमित गोयल आदि रचनाकारों ने ग़ज़ल, गीत, छंद विधा में अपनी-अपनी प्रस्तुति दी। अध्यक्षता गजेंद्र कौशिक ने की। संचालन भावना तोमर ने किया।   स्टेट ब्यूरो,( डॉ योगेश कौशिक ) |


Oct 19, 2024

A Star-Studded Laxmi Puja at Lahiri House Celebrates Prosperity, Love, and Togetherness

Mumbai, October 19, 2024 (UTN). Lahiri House, Juhu, once again lit up with warmth, devotion, and glamour as Chitrani Lahiri, Govind Bansal, Rema Lahiri Bansal, and Rego B hosted a spectacular Laxmi Puja. The celebration witnessed the gracious presence of industry stalwarts, including Gulshan Grover, Anu Smriti Sarkar, and many more, who came together with other esteemed celebrities to mark the auspicious occasion. The event embodied the spirit of unity and love, as the who's-who of Bollywood mingled with one another, sharing festive joy.   Chitrani Lahiri, Govind Bansal, Rema Lahiri Bansal and Rego B shared their thoughts, _"Laxmi Puja has always been close to our hearts, and it is beautiful to have our friends, family, and well-wishers come together for this celebration. We are grateful for the blessings of Goddess Laxmi and cherish the love shared by everyone present today” The gathering proved to be a perfect amalgamation of festivity, faith, and friendship, capturing the very essence of celebrations.   Mumbai-Reporter,(Hitesh Jain).


Oct 19, 2024

Raima Sen on Playing Iconic Suchitra Sen: ‘It Would Be an Honor

Mumbai, October 19, 2024 (UTN). Raima Sen, the celebrated actress and granddaughter of iconic Bengali cinema legend Suchitra Sen, recently expressed her strong desire to portray her grandmother in a biopic, should an outstanding script come her way. Known for her stellar performances in films like Chokher Bali and Parineeta, Raima has made her mark in both Hindi and Bengali cinema, stepping out of the shadow of her illustrious family to establish a distinguished career of her own.   In a recent interview, Raima discussed her admiration for her grandmother, a timeless figure known for her elegance and grace, and expressed her enthusiasm for the possibility of bringing Suchitra Sen’s life to the big screen. "Playing my grandmother Suchitra Sen would be an honor," she shared. "If a good script comes along, I would definitely like to portray her on screen. It would be a challenging role, but one that I would love to take on."   Suchitra Sen, revered as one of the greatest actresses in Indian cinema, is best known for her unforgettable performances in films like Saat Pake Bandha and Aandhi. Her enigmatic persona both on and off-screen has made her a beloved figure in Indian film history. Raima, who bears a striking resemblance to her grandmother, has often been compared to the legendary actress and has paid tribute to her iconic looks in the past. Raima’s desire to play this monumental role reflects her deep connection to her family’s cinematic legacy, while also showcasing her ambition to honor her grandmother’s remarkable career.   Mumbai-Reporter,(Hitesh Jain).


Oct 19, 2024

Actress Shiwani Chakraborty Expresses Heartfelt Tribute to Ratan Tata

Mumbai, October 19, 2024 (UTN). In the wake of Ratan Tata's passing, Maati Se Bandhi Dor actress Shiwani Chakraborty has shared a touching tribute to the legendary industrialist, describing his death as one of the saddest moments for the nation. In her heartfelt message, Shiwani expressed deep admiration for the values and impact Tata brought to India.   "I have immense respect for Ratan Tata ji. His thoughts were profoundly impactful, and I have learned many inspiring things from him," said Shiwani. She highlighted how Tata’s legacy is not only about his contributions to business but also about the inspiration he provided to countless individuals. "His quotes were always so motivating, and his approach to prioritizing work while giving opportunities to people is something that truly stands out."   The actress also emphasized the selfless nature of the Tata Group patriarch, who she believes dedicated his entire life to the nation. "We stand with other countries today because of what Tata has given us. He was a selfless person who invested his life into making India stronger, economically and morally. He was a gem and a hero of our country." Shiwani noted that even in passing, Ratan Tata leaves behind an aura that will continue to influence and inspire generations to come. "Through his aura, he is leaving so much behind for us to learn and grow from."   Mumbai-Reporter,(Hitesh Jain).


Oct 19, 2024

Raviraa Bhardwaj Opened Up About Her Emotional Journey in Aukaat Se Zyaada

Mumbai, October 19, 2024 (UTN). Actress Raviraa Bhardwaj, who is part of the show Aukaat Se Zyaada, a Freshh Mint's original series, shared that her character took her on an emotional journey, helping her explore a wide range of feelings. While the role was intense and demanding, it also brought tremendous growth and depth to her performance. Despite the challenges, she embraced the opportunity and thoroughly enjoyed bringing the character to life.   “This character taught me a lot. During the shoot, I tried to stay in character all the time. I experienced positive changes in my thought process after being part of this story. The series received attention for its unique storyline,” she said. She also added that Aukaat Se Zyaada stood out from other web series that were streaming at the time. “This show didn’t spoon-feed its audience. It entertained but also left some questions in your mind. It raised questions about your day-to-day actions. If you hated someone, you would ask yourself why you felt this way.   If you loved someone, again, you would think, why do you? If you felt stuck in a bad friends' circle, you wondered why you were there. Were you living your own life, or were someone else’s thoughts driving you?” she reflected. Meanwhile, she recalled the positive atmosphere on set. “Positive energy was the key to our success. Our cast and crew were mind-blowing. The sense of humor everyone had made it feel like we weren’t working on a set but were still in college. Every day felt nostalgic. Both behind the scenes and on set, everyone shared the same energy and fun,” she reminisced.   Mumbai-Reporter,(Hitesh Jain).


Oct 19, 2024

Shreya Kulkarni: Bringing Meenal to Life in 'Lai Avadtes Tu'

Mumbai, October 19, 2024 (UTN). Marathi television is about to witness a dramatic shift with the latest dramedy 'Lai Avadtes Tu,' currently being filmed in the picturesque city of Nasik. At the helm of this exciting project is talented actress Shreya Kulkarni, who takes on the complex role of Meenal, a frustrated and dissatisfied housewife.   Shreya Kulkarni is thoroughly enjoying her outdoor shoot experience in Nasik, praising the city's pleasant weather and refreshing atmosphere. "The weather here is too good and chilling, making it perfect for a long day of shooting," she exclaimed. Nasik, famous for its historic Trimbakeshwar Temple, provides an ideal backdrop for the show's lighthearted yet engaging family plot.   In 'Lai Avadtes Tu,' Shreya Kulkarni embodies Meenal, a multifaceted character with high expectations and a somewhat grey shaded personality. Meenal's dissatisfaction with her husband's financial struggles and her own lavish spending habits creates tension, making for compelling storytelling. Shreya confessed, "I'm much better at portraying negative roles; my acting skills shine when bringing complex characters to life."   'Lai Avadtes Tu' marks Shreya Kulkarni's 17th serial, showcasing her impressive range and experience. With nearly a decade-long journey in Mumbai, she has navigated the industry with ease, taking on various roles in TV shows, web series, and songs. "I've had an incredible journey, and I'm grateful for the opportunities," she shared. Shreya Kulkarni expressed her appreciation for Jaswand Productions, praising the team's professionalism and supportive atmosphere.   The team is fantastic, making this outdoor shoot a delightful experience," she said. As 'Lai Avadtes Tu' prepares to captivate Marathi audiences, Shreya Kulkarni's portrayal of Meenal promises to be a standout performance. With her expertise in playing complex characters, this role is poised to leave a lasting impression. Shreya will be working with Colors marathi for the second time as 1st time was with the serial “jay jay swami samartha”.   Mumbai-Reporter,(Hitesh Jain).


Oct 19, 2024

लेटेस्ट न्यूज़