
रिश्तों का कत्ल, दो सगे भाइयों ने गोली मारकर की अपने छोटे भाई की हत्या

बडौत, 15 जून 2024 (यूटीएन)। कोतवाली क्षेत्र के गुराना गांव में शुक्रवार देर शाम दो सगे भाइयों ने ही कर दी अपने भाई सगे भाई की हत्या।रिश्तो के कत्ल की खूनी वारदात को अंजाम देने में अपने छोटे भाई से नाराजगी था मुख्य कारण। शादी न होने के कारण बड़े भाई ही छोटे भाई की जान के दुश्मन बन बैठे और रोडवेज चालक छोटे भाई की गोली मारकर हत्या कर दी। दोनों बड़े भाई कुंवारे हैं, जो छोटे भाई की शादी होने से अपनी मां और भाभी से नाराज चल रहे थे। बीती रात शराब के नशे में उन्होंने वारदात को अंजाम दिया ।घटना की सूचना पर पहुंची पुलिस ने दोनों हत्यारे भाइयों को हिरासत में ले लिया है और मामले की पड़ताल शुरू कर दी है।  बड़ौत कोतवाली क्षेत्र के गुराना गांव में बीती रात रोडवेज चालक यशवीर सिंह की उसी के दो बड़े भाइयों ने गोली मारकर हत्या कर दी। सूचना के बाद एएसपी बागपत एनपी सिंह मौके पर पहुंचे और परिजनों से घटना के बारे में विस्तार से जानकारी ली। एएसपी एनपी सिंह ने बताया कि, दो भाइयों ने एक भाई की गोली मारकर हत्या कर दी है। हत्या करने वाले दोनों भाइयों को हिरासत में ले लिया गया है और मामले की पड़ताल की जा रही है। जांच के दौरान सामने आया कि,दोनों हत्यारोपी कुल चार भाई हैं, जिनमें से दो की शादी हो चुकी है, जबकि दो कुंवारे हैं।दोनों कुंवारे बड़े भाई अपनी मां से शादी न होने के कारण अक्सर झगड़ा करते थे। बीती रात पहले तो उन्होंने मां से लड़ाई की और उसके बाद जब मां की तरफदारी में छोटा भाई आया, तो उसकी गोली मारकर हत्या कर दी। मृतक का नाम यशवीर है,जो रोडवेज में बस चालक के पद पर नौकरी करता है।बीती रात यशवीर से बडे उदयवीर व ओंमबीर ने गोली मारकर हत्या कर दी।मृतक की पत्नी ऋतु ने बताया कि, उसके पति की मौत हो गई थी ,जिसके बाद उसे सबसे छोटे देवर यशवीर के बैठा दिया गया था। देवर और जेठ की शादी नही हुई थी, इसी कारण वह अपनी मां और भाई से अक्सर लड़ाई किया करते थे और बीती रात उन्होंने घटना को अंजाम दे दिया । मृतक की पत्नी रितु ने कोतवाली में दो के खिलाफ मुकदमा दर्ज कराया है। स्टेट ब्यूरो,( डॉ योगेश कौशिक ) |


Jun 15, 2024

मठ, मंदिरों की जमीन पर भू माफियाओं के कब्जे

मथुरा,15 जून 2024 (यूटीएन)। जनपद के थाना जैत इलाके में मंदिर की वेश कीमती जमीन पर विवाद जारी था जिसने एसडीएम छाता की कोर्ट मै मामला भी विचाराधीन हैं, कई बार भूमाफियाओं द्वारा जमीन पर कब्जे की कोशिश की गई जिसमे पूर्व मैं खड़े हरे पेड़ों मै आग तक लगा दी मंदिर के महंत द्वारा कई बार एसडीएम छाता को मामले मै निष्पक्ष कार्यवाही करने की मांग की पर एसडीएम छाता द्वारा भूमाफियाओं की कार गुजारी पर आखों पर पट्टी बाध कर गांधारी की भूमिका अदा की जा रही है। मामला मथुरा के जैत इलाके के आझाई चौकी का रहा है। कल आझइ चौकी से कुछ बर्दीधारी कर्मी प्राइवेट गाड़ियों में सवार हो विवादित जमीन मै दाखिल हुए उसके पश्चात कानूनगो और पटवारी भी मौके पर पहुंचे। मंदिर पक्ष को जव सूचना मिली तो मंदिर महंत भी मौके पर पहुंच गए वहा देखा कि सरकारी कर्मचारी विवादित जमीन मै घुसे हुए है पूछताछ की गई तो महंत को बताया कि कुछ नाप तोल करनी है। पीछे से भूमाफिया अपने साथ लाव लश्कर के साथ पहुंच गए और साथ मै टैक्टर मै लेकर और बाउंड्री करने के सारे इंतजाम साथ ले गए। मंदिर महंत ने मामले की गंभीरता को देखते हुए सरकारी अधिकारियों से पूछताछ करनी चाही तभी वर्दी धारी लोगो ने धमकाना चालू कर दिया। जव उच्च अधिकारियों से बात कराने की कहा तो निकल लिए बर्दी धारियों के हटते ही भू माफिया के लोग सक्रिय हो कर हथियारों को लहराते हुए मंदिर महंत की ओर लपकने लगे बढ़ी मुश्किल से महंत ने बहा से निकल कर अपनी जान बचाई भू माफियाओं के लोगो द्वारा मंदिर महंत को इस कदर धमकाया की अगर कही शिकायत की तो तेरे पते भी नही पड़ेंगे कि कहा गायब हो गया मथुरा जिला प्रशासन से लेकर इलाके के मंत्री तक हमारे लोग है सबको इस ज़मीन का प्रसाद पहुंच गया है कोई तेरे काम नही आयेगा। वहा से निकलने के बाद एसडीएम छाता को कई बार कॉल कर अवगत कराने की कोशिश की पर एसडीएम छाता द्वारा कोई रिस्पॉन्स नही दिया गया। इस प्रकार की अचानक घटी घटना से मंदिर महंत काफी डरे हुए हैं मंदिर महंत का कहना है जव मथुरा जनपद का एसडीएम पद पर बैठा व्यक्ति अपनी जिम्मेदारी का फर्ज नही निभा पा रहा है जिसके संज्ञान मैं सारा मामला है। तो कोन हमारी सुनेगा इसी तरह मंदिर मठ की जमीनों को भूमाफिया कब्जा कर रहे है मंदिर महंत मथुरा प्रशासन की कार्यप्रणाली से आहत हो जल्द योगी आदित्यनाथ के दरबार मै अपना और अपने भगवान का मामला रखेगे। मथुरा, रिपोर्टर-(दुर्गा प्रसाद)।


Jun 15, 2024

धन्यवाद सभा में सांसद डॉ राजकुमार सांगवान ने भरपूर विकास का दिया आश्वासन

छपरौली,15 जून 2024 (यूटीएन)। कस्बे में राष्ट्रीय लोकदल एवं भाजपा के संयुक्त सांसद की जीत पर सांसद ने किया धन्यवाद सभा का आयोजन। विधानसभा क्षेत्र के ग्रामीण इलाकों से बड़ी संख्या में लोगों ने किया प्रतिभाग। सभा की अध्यक्षता रालोद जिलाध्यक्ष रामपाल धामा ने कुछ।  कस्बे के विधा मन्दिर इण्टर कालेज परिसर में बागपत सांसद डॉ राजकुमार सांगवान ने  धन्यवाद सभा को सम्बोधित करते हुए कहा कि,मैं माला पहनने नहीं ,पहनाने आया हूं। मेरे लिए यह चुनौती व परीक्षा का समय भी है। रालोद सुप्रीम जयन्त चौधरी ने मुझ गरीब को संसद में भेजना का जो दायित्व सौंपा है ,उसमें खरा उतरने का कार्य करुंगा व लोकसभा क्षेत्र के भरसक विकास करने का प्रयास करुंगा । सांसद ने कहा कि, यमुना खादर के सीमा व भूमि विवाद निपटाने का कार्य किया जाएगा । धन्यवाद सभा में भाजपा नेता एवं जिला पंचायत सदस्य जयकुमार सरोहा, पूर्व राज्यमंत्री कुलदीप उज्ज्वल,पूर्व विधायक बीरपाल राठी ने सांसद को एक सीधा सादा व्यक्तित्व वाले बताया तथा डॉ राजकुमार सांगवान सभी वर्गों सहित गरीब मजदूर व किसानों की लड़ाई को ससद मे रखने का कार्य करेंगे । धन्यवाद सभा से पूर्व नगर प्रवेश पर चौ चरण सिंह पुस्तकालय के प्रांगण में जाकर सांसद ने भारतरत्न चौ चरण सिंह की प्रतिमा पर माल्यार्पण किया।  सभा का संचालन रालोद नेता सुरेश मलिक ने किया। इन्द्र पाल मलिक, एड जयबीर तोमर, मांगेराम, जयभगवान मलिक , रामकुमार चैयरमेन, मां सुरेश ,चौबीसी चौधरी सुभाष खोखर प्रेमपाल, वीरेंद्र , ओमवीर तोमर आदि उपस्थित रहे । स्टेट ब्यूरो,( डॉ योगेश कौशिक ) |


Jun 15, 2024

Namita Lal: I believe in luck; I was at the right place at the right time

Mumbai, June 14, 2024 (UTN). For producer-actor Namita Lal, luck plays a very big role in showbiz. The actress who is part of the film Pyar Ke Do Naam, adds that she has witnessed the power of being with the right people at the right time to work out for her. What I call luck is being in the right place at the right time, that's what I call luck. I think that several times when I look back, I was in the right place at the right time. Whether it was my first theatre production, after many decades of being a banker, or how I bumped into this director at a gas station.   She was going to do a play and she said she had a role for me in it. It was very unlike me that I agreed because I had a big global job, and yes, that was just probably again the universe giving me what maybe it was manifesting. Talking about manifestations, it is something that I have been doing for a long time. I was a banker and I kept telling people that my first choice was to be an actor. A lot of my colleagues recall that now I have become an actor, director and producer. I used to say very openly in board meetings that I became a banker by accident. I was an actor by heart and passion. I was constantly manifesting it and it came true. so yes, I believe in manifestations,” she says.   Talking about how her acting career just unfolded, she says, “I wasn't expecting to be in films at all, I was doing the play Lihaaf on stage, in Singapore. I was playing the role of Rubbo, the masseuse, and I just happened to mention that it should be a film, to my director, who happens to know the director or would-be director of the film in India. A year later, I was shooting for the film, so you call luck or manifestation or going after one’s dreams, it all came true. When you believe in something, and if you dream it, you can do it!”   Talking about the importance of academics as a foundation, she says, “Academic qualifications are good in any field. I think it's the basis of the foundation. So yes, while experiences are usually valuable in this industry, and compared to other industries, it could be that academic qualifications are not as important, but again they form a foundation. If you do have the right academic qualification, you have spent your years studying and getting a basic education, then I think it helps in every aspect of life, whether it's confidence or presentation or communication skills. It is based on how much effort and time you have spent on your academics.” Goodwill and references are networking in every profession, says Namita, adding.   “I've been a banker as I said, networking and references are important there and it's usually important in the film, theatre and media industry because you are the product. I am the product as there is nothing else I'm selling. So it gets even more important to be able to brand yourself, package yourself, and present a certain face to the world as an actor, writer, producer, or director. It is important to build goodwill on every set that you go to. When I look at other actors, it is just wonderful to see actors who are warm to everybody on the set. I respect everyone around me on set and expect respect as well. So goodwill is important, references are important as much as it is in any other industry but more so in the media industry.”   Mumbai-Reporter, (Hitesh Jain).


Jun 14, 2024

Don’t let ambition overpower my basic values and beliefs: Seerat Kapoor

Mumbai, June 14, 2024 (UTN). Seerat Kapoor, who is seen as Mannat in Prateek Sharma and Parth Shah’s (Studio LSD) Rabb Se Hai Dua, feels that though ambition and the drive to excel are very important, she doesn’t let them influence her values and beliefs. She said, “Ambition and drive to excel are very important to actually achieve something, but I also don’t let ambition overpower my basic values and beliefs. I think that staying on course is what takes you far. Easy or faster success is very difficult to handle, even though it can make an instant star. I believe in taking it step by step with full consideration of its consequences in the long run.”   Seerat says that, like any other actor, she gets enticed by any and all opportunities that come her way. She added, “I have wonderful mentors and guides who are my family. We discuss everything and make an informed decision about those opportunities.” Asked what she does when she has multiple opportunities to choose from, she said, “In an actor’s career, having more than one opportunity at one point is very common, and you feel very conflicted when that happens since more often than not you are waiting for them for a very long time. When such a situation arises, you have to think practically about all the aspects of those opportunities. What it will lead to and where it will take you eventually, also what is your priority at that point in time.“   Looking back at her career, Seerat says she is blessed with a career that she can be proud of. She said, “Whatever little I have achieved, it has come through hard work and persistence, which drives me to be sincere and dedicated to my work. I still have a long way to go, and I am grateful for it all.” Sharing her thoughts on the environment directly influencing an actor’s performance, she said that she is a very emotional person and gets affected by anything and everything that happens around her.  “It does make one very vulnerable, but I also think it is part and parcel of being an actor. If the environment on a set is positive and lively, you can see the result on screen. I am blessed to be working with Studio LSD, as I feel like I am at home working with my family, and that for an actor is a huge blessing,” she ended.   Mumbai-Reporter, (Hitesh Jain).


Jun 14, 2024

Yeh Rishta Kya Kehlata Hai: Ruhi's Big Day Turns into Armaan's Emotional Turmoil

Mumbai, June 14, 2024 (UTN). Armaan is ready for the baarat while Abhira thinks about him on the bus. Kajal asks Sanjay if he has spoken to the judge, and Sanjay replies that he is trying. He mentions that Madhav is missing from the hospital, which Vidya overhears. Sanjay makes an excuse, assuring Vidya that Madhav will attend the wedding.   Meanwhile, Madhav tries to reach the wedding to stop Armaan, but the auto driver refuses to help him. Krish advises Arman to run away and not marry Ruhi, while Kiara and Aryan encourage him to pursue his love for Abhira. However, Armaan refuses to listen. Krish emphasizes that Armaan is incomplete without Abhira. Charu takes Armaan to dance, and the Poddars join in the celebration.   Armaan dreams of Abhira, while Abhira's bus passes through the baarat. They both sense each other's presence. Kaveri notices Arman's concern for Abhira and advises him to move on. Manish assures his brother that he will recover his money, but Swarna doubts his honesty. The Goenkas welcome the Poddars, and Ruhi sees Armaan, who attributes his marriage to Neil and Arohi's blessings.   Ruhi lightens the lamp and asks Aarohi and Neil to bless her relationship with Armaan. When the lamp goes out, Ruhi shivers. Swarna does the aarti and welcomes the baarat, but Armaan seems lifeless. Swarna and Surekha reassure Ruhi, wishing her happiness. Abhira stops the bus after receiving a message, and Vidya waits for Madhav. Sanjay tells Kajal that Armaan and Abhira's separation will last another two weeks so Kajal decides to stop the marriage, which Sanjay tries to prevent.   Mumbai-Reporter, (Hitesh Jain).


Jun 14, 2024

राजकुमार आर पाण्डेय की फ़िल्म "महिमा भोलेनाथ की में" भोलेनाथ बने आदित्य मोहन

मुंबई, 14 जून 2024 (यूटीएन)। आदित्य मोहन भोजपुरी फ़िल्म जगत में एक मजबूत कद काठी के गुड लुकिंग अभिनेताओं में शुमार हैं । इनकी अपनी एक अलग फैन फॉलोइंग है । एक तय परिपाटी से अलग हटकर वे अलग अलग तरह के प्रयोगधर्मी सिनेमा में देखे जाते हैं । आदित्यमोहन कभी भी टाइपकास्ट होकर कोई फ़िल्म नहीं करते। इसी कड़ी में उनके हाथ एक बड़ी फिल्म लगी है महिमा भोलेनाथ की । इस "महिमा भोलेनाथ की" का निर्माण भोजपुरी जगत के जानेमाने निर्माता निर्देशक राजकुमार आर पाण्डेय कर रहे हैं जिनमें आदित्य मोहन "महादेव" के किरदार में नज़र आने वाले हैं । अपने इस किरदार के बारे में बात करते हुए आदित्य मोहन कहते हैं कि अब तक तो दर्जनों फिल्में महादेव की कहानी के इर्दगिर्द बनी है जिसमें अधिकांशतः फिल्मों को स्टूडियो में ही क्रोमा पर फिल्माया गया है।    लेकिन मुझे वैसी फिल्मों से हटकर कुछ वास्तविक और अच्छा काम करना था जो कि निर्माता राजकुमार आर पाण्डेय जी की फिल्मों में ही सम्भव हुआ। हम लोग आजकल इस फ़िल्म की शूटिंग उत्तर प्रदेश के भदोही के आसपास में कर रहे हैं। आदित्य मोहन बताते हैं कि साक्षी शंकर के बाद आधा दर्जन से भी ज्यादा सारे "महादेव" के चरित्र आये लेकिन उन सबमें उतनी गहराई और सारगर्भित संदेशों का समावेश नहीं था, और फिर आप किसी पर्दे के सामने खड़े होकर महादेव के रूप में आशीर्वाद दें तो यह बिल्कुल ही बनावटी लगता है , हमें अच्छे रोल की तलाश थी जो कि "महिमा भोलेनाथ की" में जाकर पूरी हुई है । वो बताते हैं कि जब वो "कृष्ण" की भूमिका में होते हैं तो भी वे वास्तविक रूप से किरदार को जीवंत करने की पूरी कोशिश करते हैं, अब तक 30 बार से ज्यादा वे कृष्ण की भूमिका निभा चुके हैं, किसी किरदार को निभाते हुए सिल्वर जुबली मनाना कोई आसान बात तो नहीं होती ।    इस महादेव के किरदार को ऑफर करते हुए राजकुमार आर पाण्डेय जी ने बोला भी था कि अब तक के किरदारों से यह किरदार बिल्कुल ही अलग है इसलिए हम उनको ना नहीं बोल पाए। आदित्य मोहन फिल्मों के अलावा थियेटर में भी लगातार सक्रिय रहते हैं और उनके प्ले लगातार ही होते रहते हैं। इसी कड़ी में उनका "नानीबाई का मायरा" सिल्वर जुबली होने वाला है । इसके साथ ही जल्द ही नया नाटक लेकर आ रहे हैं "सुदामा ने ओढ़ी रे चुनरी", यह प्ले श्रीकृष्ण और सुदामा के रिश्तों पर आधारित है, इसके रिहल्सल जल्द ही शुरू किए जाने वाले हैं । उत्तरप्रदेश में शूट हो रही फ़िल्म महिमा भोलेनाथ की के निर्देशक हैं रवि सिन्हा । कैमरामैन विजय पांडेय हैं। इस फ़िल्म के कलाकार हैं आदित्यमोहन, राजन सोनी, ऋचा दीक्षित, अनारा गुप्ता, श्यामली श्रीवास्तव, संजय पाण्डेय, अनुप अरोडा, सोनिया मिश्रा सहित अन्य कलाकार ।   मुंबई-रिपोर्टर,(हितेश जैन)।


Jun 14, 2024

Aashika Bhatia to Enter "Janani - AI Ki Kahani" on Dangal TV

Mumbai, June 14, 2024 (UTN). Renowned actress Aashika Bhatia is set to join the cast of the popular show "Janani - AI Ki Kahani" on Dangal TV, produced by MAJ Productions (Mrinal Abhigyan Jha Productions). Aashika brings her unique talent and charm to the series, taking on a role that promises to add new layers of intrigue and excitement.   In the show, Aashika portrays the character Chandini, who promises to add new layers of intrigue and excitement. Describing her role, the 'Prem Ratan Dhan Payo' actress said: "My character's name is Chandini. I play an AI robot named Sitara, but with some differences. Or rather, I'm a version of Sitara with a different face."   Reflecting on the challenges of her new role, Aashika says, "It was a bit challenging for me to act like a robot AI. I’ve never done this before, so I wanted to take on this unique opportunity. Especially in a running show, you have to convincingly pretend or behave like somebody who is already established in the series. It was quite challenging to personate somebody else, but I embraced it. My last daily soap was 'Vani Rani' on &TV."   "Janani - AI Ki Kahani" centers around Ira, a scientist-turned-mother who invents an AI robot to save her daughter’s life from a fatal disease. The show delves into the emotional and ethical complexities of artificial intelligence and the lengths a mother will go to protect her child.   Aashika Bhatia’s entry into the show is highly anticipated, and her portrayal of Chandini is expected to captivate audiences, adding a fresh dynamic to the ongoing storyline. Fans of the actress and the show alike can look forward to seeing her bring this innovative and challenging character to life.   Mumbai-Reporter, (Hitesh Jain).


Jun 14, 2024

AAJ KEE RAAT: A Musical Ode to Love and Farewell With Sweta Solanki & J Sahab

Mumbai, June 14, 2024 (UTN). When love is at its peak and the fear of parting with your beloved looms large, the heart yearns for one more night—one last meeting to etch memories that will last a lifetime. This poignant sentiment is at the heart of "Aaj Kee Raat," a song that perfectly encapsulates the bittersweet moments of love and farewell. The music video for "Aaj Kee Raat" is a cinematic journey that brings this emotional experience to life, thanks to the collaborative efforts of a talented team and the stunning backdrop of the UAE.   "Aaj Kee Raat" is more than just a song; it's a narrative of love, longing, and the inevitable goodbye. The track resonates with anyone who has ever faced the pain of parting from a loved one, capturing the essence of those last precious moments together. The music video, produced by JS Production, features Sweta Solanki and Jsahab, who not only star in the video but also play pivotal roles in its creation. Sweta Solanki's direction brings a unique sensitivity to the portrayal of this emotional story, while Jsahab's production ensures that the visual and auditory elements complement each other perfectly.   The production of "Aaj Kee Raat" brought together a diverse and skilled team. The Director of Photography (DOP), Ashish Bhatta, along with Assistant DOP Kancha, crafted visually stunning scenes that capture the beauty and emotion of each moment. The executive production was overseen by Syed Ata ur Rehman Zaidi, ensuring that the project ran smoothly and met the highest standards.   The song itself features the soulful voice of Qadeer Khan, whose vocal performance adds depth and emotion to the lyrics. Wajid Saeed's music composition provides a fitting backdrop, blending seamlessly with the narrative to enhance the overall impact of the song. FK Studios handled the audio production, with Faizan Khurshid managing the mix and master, ensuring that the sound quality was impeccable.   Post-production is where the raw footage and audio are transformed into a polished final product. For "Aaj Kee Raat," this critical phase was handled by DX Production, with Abid Iqbal leading the editing process. The post-production work ensured that every scene was perfectly timed and that the transitions between moments were smooth and impactful. Syed Waqas from QMS Digital was responsible for the creative aspects, adding the final touches that made the video truly memorable. The UAE's breathtaking landscapes and iconic landmarks provided the perfect backdrop for the "Aaj Kee Raat" music video. The team chose a variety of stunning locations to capture the essence of the story:   *Labbaik Cafe & Restaurant - Sheikh Zayed Road, Dubai*: This vibrant location set the scene for intimate moments, reflecting the bustling yet private nature of love in a cityscape.   *Sheikh Zayed Road, Dubai*: The iconic road, with its towering skyscrapers and modern architecture, symbolized the journey and the transient nature of life and relationships.   *Meydan Bridge, Dubai*: This architectural marvel added a touch of elegance and grandeur to the video, highlighting the highs of the romantic journey.   *Sharjah Masjid, Sharjah*: The serene and spiritual ambiance of this mosque provided a contrast to the urban settings, bringing a sense of peace and reflection to the narrative.   *Sharjah Beach, Sharjah*: The tranquil beach scenes depicted the calm and soothing moments of the relationship, with the vast ocean symbolizing the depth of emotions.   *Mleiha Desert, Sharjah*: The expansive desert landscape captured the loneliness and the desolation of the impending farewell, adding a dramatic and emotional weight to the story.   The production of "Aaj Kee Raat" was a collaborative effort that involved numerous partners and supporters. The UAE government's support was instrumental in facilitating the shooting at various locations, ensuring that the team had the necessary permissions and resources. Vicky from JS Production played a crucial role in the UAE line production, coordinating the logistics and ensuring that the shoots went off without a hitch. Bol India News served as the UAE media partner, helping to promote the song and reach a wider audience.   The transport partner, Rahul Kumar from Autumn Wheels, ensured that the cast and crew could move between locations efficiently, making the complex logistics of a multi-location shoot manageable. "Aaj Kee Raat" is more than just a music video; it's an emotional journey that captures the essence of love, longing, and farewell. The collaborative efforts of a talented team, combined with the stunning visuals of the UAE, have created a piece that resonates deeply with its audience.    Whether you're in the throes of love or facing the pain of parting,  "Aaj Kee Raat" offers a poignant reminder of the beauty and fragility of human connections. This song stands as a testament to the power of music and storytelling, showing how they can come together to create something truly magical. Special thanks to the UAE government and all the partners involved for their support in bringing this beautiful project to life. "Aaj Kee Raat" is a perfect melody for those moments when you want to hold on just a little bit longer before saying goodbye.   Mumbai-Reporter, (Hitesh Jain).


Jun 14, 2024

I have worked a lot on my body language for Baani: Amandeep Sidhu on her character in Badall Pe Paon Hai

Mumbai, June 14, 2024 (UTN). Amandeep Sidhu is currently seen as Baani in Sargun Mehta and Ravie Dubey’s Badall Pe Paon Hai, which is produced under their banner Dreamiyata Entertainment Private Limited. The actress says she has put in a lot of effort for her role because she is quite different from her in real life. Asked how she approaches a new role, she said, “You have to work on your character, body postures, and body language. I have worked a lot on my body language for Baani. Because Baani doesn’t walk like Amandeep, neither does she talk like her.   So I have worked a lot in that way. This is the process.” “I believe if you work on your body language, it starts showing up in your personality too. I think now that I can say that I have become Baani, and I just hope that people like my work,” she added. 
Amandeep also confessed that before her first day on the set, she was not able to sleep because she was anxious and excited. She added, “I am very nervous on day one, so I try to meet everyone and start getting comfortable with everyone on set.”   She said that she tries to explore the different aspects of her character to break the monotony and added, “I engage with new challenges in the role to keep it fresh.” Though she doesn’t have an idol in the industry, she was truly inspired by Vikrant Massey’s superhit film 12th Fail. She said, “I feel Vikrant has done an inspiring job. It makes us believe that we shouldn’t lose hope, no matter how late it is. Even from 12th Fail, I did take a lot of lessons from this movie. His reactions were outstanding. As an actor and as an individual, I have learned a lot,” she ended.   Mumbai-Reporter, (Hitesh Jain).


Jun 14, 2024