
व्हाट ए दिवा:निकिता रावल एक फ्लोरल डीप-नेक मिडी आउटफिट में अपनी अट्रैक्टिव हॉटनेस और आकर्षण का प्रदर्शन कर रही हैं

मुंबई, 03 मई 2024 (UTIN)। निकिता रावल भारतीय मनोरंजन उद्योग की सबसे खूबसूरत और प्रतिभाशाली अभिनेत्रियों में से एक हैं और उनके पास वास्तव में साबित करने के लिए कुछ भी नहीं है। अपने अब तक के शानदार करियर में, उन्होंने विभिन्न क्षेत्रों में एक कलाकार के रूप में अविश्वसनीय रूप से अच्छा प्रदर्शन किया है और यही बात उन्हें और अधिक अद्भुत और वास्तविक बनाती है। कुछ समय पहले, वह अपने सफल संगीत वीडियो 'कमरिया' से सभी के दिलो-दिमाग में छाने में कामयाब रहीं, जो वास्तव में एक ट्रेंडसेटर बन गया।तब से, निकिता रावल अपनी आगामी परियोजनाओं की शूटिंग में बेहद व्यस्त हैं। अब तक हम उनके सेट से उनकी कई बीटीएस तस्वीरें देख चुके हैं। खैर, आखिरकार, उनके प्रशंसक उन्हें उनकी ठंडी जगह पर देखकर धन्य हो गए, जहां वह वास्तव में अपने कैजुअल ठाठ लुक से आग लगा रही हैं।  हाँ यह सही है।सोशल मीडिया पर अपने नवीनतम पोस्ट में, निकिता रावल को घड़ी को बड़े समय से पीछे की ओर घुमाते हुए देखा जा सकता है।  वह अपने स्टाइलिश, फ्लोरल ब्लू डीप-नेक मिडी आउटफिट लुक में शानदार और सुपर हॉट लग रही थीं और खैर, स्पष्ट तस्वीरों को देखकर, हम पूरी तरह से पागल हो रहे हैं।  जिस तरह से वह अपने लुक में स्टाइल और स्वैग को क्लास के साथ जोड़ती है, वह हमें बहुत पसंद है और इसमें कोई आश्चर्य की बात नहीं है, एक कारण है कि हम महसूस करते हैं और मानते हैं कि जहां तक ​​जेन-जेड के लिए एक फैशन प्रेरणा होने का सवाल है, वह वास्तव में एक ताकत है। क्या आप इसे जांचना और एक बार फिर से देखना चाहते हैं?  खैर, यहाँ आप जाएँ - काम के मोर्चे पर, निकिता रावल के ओटीटी पर कुछ शीर्ष-स्तरीय संगीत वीडियो और परियोजनाओं की शूटिंग करने की अटकलें हैं, जिनका विवरण अभी तक सामने नहीं आया है और हम इंतजार नहीं कर सकते।  मैं उन्हें आगे बढ़ने के लिए शुभकामनाएं और सफलता की कामना करता हूं और कामना करता हूं कि वह हमेशा की तरह यह साबित करती रहें कि रिवर्स एजिंग वास्तव में एक ऐसी घटना है जिसमें उन्होंने महारत हासिल कर ली है।  अधिक अपडेट के लिए बने रहें। मुंबई-रिपोर्टर,(हितेश जैन)।

Ujjwal Times News

May 3, 2024

Namita Lal on being part of Pyar Ke Do Naam: The world needs such a love story

Mumbai, 03 May 2024 (UTIN). A love story that dares to stand apart, Namita Lal’s Pyar Ke Do Naam, is one that is sure to get the audiences hooked in no time. The actress, who plays an English professor in the film, says that she loves being part of it.   “I look at the power of the script and the significance of my character in it. I also make sure that I am comfortable with the director. I don't really care about whether it's a newcomer or an established one. I took up this film because when I read the script, I was totally impressed with not only the story, which is beautiful, but my character as well, which is of professor Najma Siddiqui. I am the head of the English department at Aligarh Muslim university. It is a strong character and a great role. It's a powerful role. The film is shot in Aligarh Muslim university. This is the first film to be shot in  the campus, inside the Aligarh Muslim university,” she says.   Talking about the director Danish Javed, she says, “Danish ji, who is a very well known, award winning screenplay writer, has made his full length directorial debut with this film. He made me so comfortable with my role. We had a few workshops and, then, on the sets of the film, he helped me get into the role. I also formed a great rapport with the rest of the team because of him.”   The shoot was wonderful as well, she says, adding, “It was shot inside the Aligarh Muslim University in January of 2023. It was extremely cold, but we had an absolutely wonderful time.  The visuals of the university in the film, along with the story, are going to completely charm the audience .”   Meanwhile, she adds that people are sure to love this film. “The USP of the film is that it is a love story told in a very different fashion. I would say that it carries forward the core ethos of Nelson Mandela and Gandhi  - love . Filmmaking is a risky affair. We hope that the message will go across. The world really needs such a love story. I think it would be wonderful to have a love story that is so profound in a world that is rife with violence,” she says.   Danish Javed, Director of the film says, " Namita's character is very beautiful and one of the primary characters in the film, which marks the beginning, the first character to enter the film is Namita Ji i.e Professor Nazma Siddique and remains throughout the film. And it's a significant character that adds something to the story. It's not a recurring character, but it's a story-oriented character.   And Namita Ji has played her character very well.  This is my first project with Namita. But her behavior and working style are such that when we started working, we felt as if we had worked for years. The name of the film is "Pyaar Ke Do Naam". The reason it's called "Pyaar Ke Do Naam  " is that In our films, the stories we create, think about, and enjoy watching are one hero and one heroine.   More than that, what happens is seen on TV. We have trouble here. And there are many dimensions to this story, and these characters. Anything could have many dimensions, but the basic dimension that is considered is the two, that are visible and not visible. These are the two dimensions of "Pyaar Ke Do naam" as well - one that is visible and one that is not visible.    Mumbai-Reporter,( Hitesh Jain ).

Ujjwal Times News

May 3, 2024

For me fashion is to wear what I am comfortable in: Sara Khan

Mumbai, 03 May 2024 (UTIN). Sara Khan who has entertained us over the years with her acting skills in Bidaai, Ram Milaayi Jodi and Junoon – Aisi Nafrat Toh Kaisa Ishq, is definitely one of the most stylish TV divas, but for her comfort takes priority.   For her fashion is, “To wear what I am comfortable in. It is not important to go out of your comfort to follow everything. I believe it is important to look good, whether you are an actor or in any other business, to keep your confidence up.”   And she is not one to follow trends too. “I mismatch and make my pair of clothes according to the trend as fashion keeps coming back in different forms. I don’t like wasting my clothes, and neither am I a shopaholic,” she said.   “I don’t follow what others are doing if it doesn’t suit me. Every body type and everyone is different. It is always important to understand this fact then to keep following what others are doing,” she added.   Though she doesn’t follow trends, her choice of colour depends on her mood. “I like lively colours and the taste of choosing my colour changes with my mood,” Sara concluded.    Mumbai-Reporter,( Hitesh Jain ).

Ujjwal Times News

May 3, 2024

उर्वशी रौतेला ने अपने 5 लाख के आकर्षक स्विमसूट अवतार में उत्साह बढ़ाया, प्रशंसकों को इस गर्मी में गर्मी से बचने का दिखाया तरीका

मुंबई, 03 मई 2024 (UTIN)। फोर्ब्स टॉप 10 में शामिल होने वाली भारत की सबसे कम उम्र की और सबसे ज्यादा कमाई करने वाली वैश्विक आइकन उर्वशी रौतेला ने 550 करोड़ रुपये की भारी और चौंका देने वाली शुद्ध संपत्ति अर्जित की है।  71.3 मिलियन से अधिक की अविश्वसनीय इंस्टाग्राम फॉलोइंग के साथ, जो पीएम नरेंद्र मोदी और विराट कोहली के बराबर है और बॉलीवुड की 'खान त्रिमूर्ति' से भी अधिक है, उर्वशी रौतेला को वर्तमान में देश में सबसे लोकप्रिय और प्रसिद्ध दिवा के रूप में सराहा जाता है। अपनी कई मिस यूनिवर्स विजय से लेकर एक जज और फ्रंटलाइन बी-टाउन सुपरस्टार के रूप में युवाओं को तैयार करने और सलाह देने तक, एक कलाकार के रूप में उर्वशी निश्चित रूप से इतनी ताकतवर हो गई हैं, जितनी कोई और नहीं। उर्वशी रौतेला के बारे में सबसे अच्छी बात यह है कि चाहे कुछ भी हो, उनमें अपनी पसंद की किसी भी पोशाक में गर्मी पैदा करने के लिए वास्तव में 'हॉट' मौजूद हैं।  वह इस विभाग में एक सच्चे ट्रेंडसेटर के रूप में जानी जाती हैं और यही कारण है कि, वह अपनी ओर से जो भी प्रयास करती हैं वह पहले जैसा स्टाइल और फैशन स्टेटमेंट बन जाता है।  बार-बार, हमने उर्वशी को अलग-अलग स्विमसूट अवतारों में अपनी मंत्रमुग्ध उपस्थिति में सम्मोहक और आकर्षक लगते देखा है. और इस बार, उन्हें हम सभी के लिए नए फैशन लक्ष्य मिले हैं।  हाँ यह सही है।  इंस्टाग्राम पर अपनी नवीनतम तस्वीरों में से एक में, उर्वशी रौतेला को अपने सुनहरे स्विमसूट अवतार के साथ आग लगाते हुए देखा जा सकता है।  पारदर्शी और सेमी-थ्रू मिडी-लेयर्ड कार्डिगन कवरअप हमें वास्तव में गर्मी का एहसास करा रहा है।  जिस तरह की गर्मी से हम जूझ रहे हैं, उसे देखते हुए, निश्चित रूप से इस तरह का फैशन और स्वैग महिलाओं को अपनाना चाहिए ताकि वे गर्मी से बेहतर राहत पा सकें और साथ ही अपने हाई-चिक वोग गेम को पहले से कहीं अधिक मजबूत बनाए रख सकें।  इसके अलावा, कोई भी यह अनुमान नहीं लगा सकता कि जब यह उर्वशी है, तो इसे अति-शानदार और भव्य होना चाहिए।  हमेशा की तरह, उनका कैप्शन अपने वफादार प्रशंसकों को सर्वोत्तम तरीके से शामिल करने के मामले में सटीक था और पोशाक की जीवंतता से मेल खाने के लिए विजडियन हीरन से बेहतर ट्रैक क्या हो सकता है?  इसके अलावा, क्या कोई अनुमान लगा सकता है कि पूरे लुक की कीमत क्या है?  5 लाख की भारी भरकम राशि और निश्चित रूप से यही कारण है कि, आज के समय में उर्वशी एक बी-टाउन आइकन का एक उत्कृष्ट उदाहरण है जो युवाओं को सही दिशा की ओर प्रेरित करती है।  क्या आप निरीक्षण करना चाहते हैं और प्रशंसा करते रहना चाहते हैं?  हेयर यू गो - काम के मोर्चे पर, वैश्विक सुपरस्टार उर्वशी रौतेला वर्तमान में यो यो हनी सिंह अभिनीत लव डोज 2.0 के लिए पृथ्वी पर सभी प्यार का आनंद ले रही हैं।  इसके बाद उनके पास 'जहांगीर नेशनल यूनिवर्सिटी' (जेएनयू) है जहां वह एक कॉलेज पॉलिटिशियन का किरदार निभा रही हैं।  इन सबके अलावा, वैश्विक भारतीय सुपरस्टार उर्वशी रौतेला के पास अक्षय कुमार के साथ वेलकम 3, बॉबी देओल, दुलकर सलमान, नंदमुरी बालकृष्ण के साथ 'एनबीके109', सनी देओल और संजय दत्त के साथ 'बाप' (हॉलीवुड ब्लॉकबस्टर एक्सपेंडेबल्स का रीमेक) जैसे बड़े प्रोजेक्ट हैं। इंस्पेक्टर अविनाश 2, रणदीप हुडा, ब्लैक रोज़ के साथ।  उर्वशी रौतेला एक अंतर्राष्ट्रीय संगीत वीडियो में भी दिखाई देंगी और अभिनेत्री एक आगामी बायोपिक में परवीन बाबी की भूमिका भी निभाएंगी।  इसके साथ ही, उनके पास जेसन डेरुलो और कई अन्य लोगों के साथ एक बहुत ही खास संगीत वीडियो है।  अधिक अपडेट के लिए बने रहें। मुंबई-रिपोर्टर,(हितेश जैन)।

Ujjwal Times News

May 3, 2024

देखें:आयशा सिंह ने प्रोफेशनल की तरह गर्मी को हराया,अपने परिवार के साथ 'समर स्पेशल' पूल डे का लिया आनंद

मुंबई, 03 मई 2024 (UTIN)। आयशा सिंह भारतीय मनोरंजन उद्योग की सबसे खूबसूरत और आकर्षक अभिनेत्रियों में से एक हैं और यह बात कोई रहस्य नहीं है। अब काफी समय हो गया है कि आयशा अपने खेल में शीर्ष पर है और जब से वह मंच पर आई है, उसकी फैन फॉलोइंग लगातार बढ़ती जा रही है।  आयशा के बारे में सबसे अविश्वसनीय बात यह है कि उसने इतनी कम उम्र में चाहे कितना भी प्रशंसक और लोकप्रियता हासिल कर ली हो, लेकिन अपने स्वभाव के मामले में उसने रत्ती भर भी बदलाव नहीं किया है। वह अभी भी जीवन की साधारण खुशियों को महत्व देती है और उनका आनंद लेती है और उसकी जड़ें वास्तव में बहुत मजबूत हैं।  खैर, कोई आश्चर्य नहीं कि आयशा जैसे व्यक्ति के लिए परिवार हमेशा सर्वोच्च प्राथमिकता होती है। हमने अतीत में बार-बार देखा है कि जब भी आयशा को अपने परिवार के साथ समय बिताने का मौका मिला है, उसने इसका भरपूर फायदा उठाया है। चाहे साथ में घूमने जाना हो या साथ में होली मनाना हो, हमने यह सब देखा है।  खैर, अब आयशा सिंह के सभी प्रशंसकों के लिए समय आ गया है कि वे उन्हें ठंड में देखें और एक पेशेवर खिलाड़ी की तरह गर्मी को मात दें। हाँ यह सही है। आयशा ने अपने सोशल मीडिया हैंडल पर अपने परिवार के साथ अपने 'पूल डे' की एक विशेष झलक साझा की और हमें इसका हर हिस्सा बेहद पसंद आ रहा है।  क्या आप भी इसे जांचना चाहते हैं यदि आपने अभी तक नहीं देखा है?  हेयर यू गो - खैर, बिल्कुल अद्भुत और बहुत बढ़िया, है ना दोस्तों?  काम के मोर्चे पर, आयशा सिंह जल्द ही दिलचस्प काम की घोषणा करने वाली हैं, जिसका आधिकारिक अपडेट आदर्श समयसीमा के अनुसार जल्द ही होगा।  अधिक अपडेट के लिए बने रहें। मुंबई-रिपोर्टर,(हितेश जैन)।

Ujjwal Times News

May 3, 2024

I try to incorporate breaks into my schedule regularly to avoid burnout: Aadesh Chaudhary

Mumbai, 03 May 2024 (UTIN). Sasural Simar Ka actor Aadesh Chaudhary believes that it’s good to take breaks from one’s normal routine to refresh and rejuvenate. He said, “I try to incorporate breaks into my schedule regularly to avoid burnout and maintain a healthy balance. I always take a break whenever I feel like, because I don’t work for others, I work for my own happiness.”   “Whenever I feel like taking a break, I go to my hometown to visit my parents, and I chill with them. You really need to freshen up your brains, long leaves are essential for maintaining a healthy work-life balance,” he added.   He stressed that as a kid, he used to eagerly wait for summer holidays, but as an adult, it is sometimes difficult to take long breaks, but he manages to take small breaks from his daily routine. He said, “Taking a break from the normal routine, even if it's just for a few days, is incredibly important regardless of the profession. Stepping away allows us to decompress, gain perspective, and return to our responsibilities with renewed energy and creativity. Whether it's a short getaway or a staycation, prioritizing time for relaxation and self-care can significantly enhance our overall productivity and satisfaction.”   While he is in favour of taking breaks, he understands that it is difficult to disconnect from mobile phones. He said, “It can be challenging but incredibly beneficial. While technology has made us more accessible, it's essential to set boundaries to prioritize our mental well-being. Incorporating periods of time without phone usage during breaks allows us to fully immerse ourselves in relaxation and enjoy quality time with ourselves and loved ones.”   “A break from constant connectivity can enhance our ability to recharge and return to work with a refreshed perspective. When I am on break, I keep my phone on silent and check in the evening unless anything is urgent. But yes, you do need breaks from everything,” he concluded.   Mumbai-Reporter,( Hitesh Jain ).

Ujjwal Times News

May 3, 2024

Monika Singh: Fashion is a way to express my personality and creativity

Mumbai, 03 May 2024 (UTIN). Tulsidham Ke Laddu Gopal actress Monika Singh, says that, for her, fashion is putting herself out there. She says that while she follows what is in trend, she also makes sure to be comfortable as she does this.   “To me, fashion is a way to express my personality and creativity. As an actor, there is definitely pressure to look good all the time, but I try to focus on feeling confident and comfortable in my own skin. I do keep up with fashion trends and like to experiment with different styles. Though I am a very basic person in real life,” she says.   Talking about her summer style, she says, “As for the style this summer, I think breezy dresses, flowy tops, and vibrant colours will be in vogue. Co-ords have been popular recently, so they might continue to be a trendy choice.”   She adds, “When it comes to comfort clothes, I love wearing a cozy pair of joggers or shorts, and a soft t-shirt. It's all about feeling relaxed and at ease. As for colours, I enjoy wearing a variety of shades, but I'm particularly drawn to earthy tones like olive green and warm neutrals like beige and brown.” Ask her who she looks up to in terms of fashion and style, and she says, “In terms of fashion inspiration, I look up to actors like Deepika Padukone and Priyanka Chopra. They always manage to make bold fashion choices and look effortlessly stylish.   Mumbai-Reporter,( Hitesh Jain ).    

Ujjwal Times News

May 3, 2024

Hair and make-up artist Florian Hurel is a trendsetter!

Mumbai, 03 May 2024 (UTIN). French make-up and hair stylist Florian Hurel is one of the most sought-after names in the entertainment industry today. He has styled the likes of Deepika Padukone, Anushka Sharma, Madhuri Dixit-Nene, Janhvi Kapoor, Sara Ali Khan, and Tamannaah Bhatia. Whether magazine covers or red-carpet appearances and films, Florian, who forayed into the world of fashion at the tender age of 16, is known for his unique and minimalistic style and has carved out a niche for himself in Bollywood.   With almost two decades of experience in make-up and hair styling, he has worked with artists on the most prestigious platforms, such as the Cannes Film Festival and prominent film awards in the country. He has also styled artists for projects, including actress Priyanka Chopra in The Sky is Pink, actress Katrina Kaif in Zero, and Aishwarya Rai Bachchan in Fanne Khan.   He has styled accomplished Bollywood celebrities such as Kriti Sanon,  Mira Kapoor, Shraddha Kapoor, and Yami Gautam for cover shoots of various high-end fashion magazines such as Vogue, Femina, Elle, and Grazia. That’s not it! He has also worked with Vaani, Sara, and Ananya Panday for print and video commercials.   Adding another feather to his cap, Florian has launched his own brand called Florian Hurel Hair Couture in Mumbai. He aims to help aspiring stylists make a name for themselves in the industry. What’s better than being trained by the best in the industry? Nothing, we say!    Mumbai-Reporter,( Hitesh Jain ).

Ujjwal Times News

May 3, 2024

Trupti V Mishra on QSQT completing 50 episodes: The show is very different from everything else on TV

Mumbai, 03 May 2024 (UTIN). Actress Trupti V Mishra, who plays the role of Poornima as well as after reincarnation Poonam, on MAJ Productions’ Qayamat Se Qayamat Tak, says that the story as well as the title has a deep meaning. She adds that the show is very different from everything else which is being shown today.   “The title of our show has a deep meaning, it says together forever and ever. To be very honest it is a unique story and I believe in reincarnation, it is very exciting for me, I feel positive and I agree at this point. There's a difference in working on something you believe in than something you don't,” she says.    She adds, “The most interesting part for me was that I will be playing two characters that too two opposite characters, Poornima very stern and very quiet yet very strong very independent, fearless and was powerful. I loved the attitude and aura of Poornima. Poonam is Trupti, I relate to Poonam somewhere very bubbly and fun. I like Poornima more, a girl should be like her. For Poornima my love is unconditional, one of the best characters I ever played.”    Talking about her character, she says, “This show is different from other shows because those reincarnation stories are done on revenge and hatred our story is there for love. The boy loved the girl so much that he told Poornima's soul to come back and she came back. Poonam is very happy, chirpy, bubbly, and life excites her, Trupti is also the same only difference is Poonam gives straight answers to people while Trupti doesn't.”   Ask her what has been her most memorable scene so far, and she says, “The most memorable scene was Poornima died, I felt really bad for Raj. I was crying and thinking how it must be feeling for someone who has gone through such a thing That day I wasn't thinking as an actor but was looking at it from the audience's perspective. I was thinking as Trupti I love Poornima and Raj I didn't want them to separate.”   Meanwhile, talking about shooting with the rest of the team, she says, “The atmosphere on set is lovely, I love working with the cast and crew, we have a lot of fun working together. It's lovely working with MAJ Productions I love both of them, I am in good hands. I am grateful to them. These characters written by Mrinal ma'am are teaching me a lot.    Mumbai-Reporter,( Hitesh Jain ).

Ujjwal Times News

May 3, 2024

Rishi Kapoor’s fourth death anniversary, Somy Ali says “I watched Karz last night and couldn’t

Mumbai, 03 May 2024 (UTIN). It is Rishi Kapoor’s fourth death anniversary on Tuesday. The actor-producer breathed his last on April 30, 2020. He was suffering from leukemia and had undergone treatment in New York. Former Bollywood actress Somy Ali, who currently runs her NGO No More Tears in the USA, fondly remembers him on his death anniversary and shared that she couldn’t hold back her tears after watching the late actor’s hit movie Karz.   “I remember being in bed for four days when I heard the news about his death. It just wouldn’t register in my brain. I watched Karz last night and simply couldn’t hold back tears, missing him so much. He was highly intellectual and so kind to me the minute we met,” she said.   Remembering the time when she first met him, she said, “It all began with a photoshoot we did in the mid- or late 90's, and I told him my favorite movie of his was Karz when he asked me. I told him it was magical how you died and came back because I didn’t know much about reincarnation. This is also when I asked him about the actor who died in the movie and what happened to him. Chintuji said he’s been looking for him, and given that I am from the U.S., I should try and locate him to see if he’s okay.”   “From then onwards, every single time we bumped into one another at film studios, we talked about Raj Kiran, and I promised him that I would never stop looking and would always remember his promise no matter what,” she added.   Somy also pointed out that while people said he was arrogant, she disagrees with that sentiment about him, and added, “Who keeps worrying about a co-star for years and years like Chintuji did even a week before he passed away. I told him I would never stop looking. He was a highly underrated actor, while he was literally the best actor and most natural actor I had ever seen.”   She further said, “I will always remember him for his love for his craft, his colleagues, and his amazing heart. I don’t want to believe he’s gone; that’s how much it hurt. I believe my only resolve and closure would be to find Raj and tell Chintuji, ‘Ravi ghar aagaya.’ I miss him tons, and his family is always in my prayers.”   Somy also revealed that Rishi had asked her to watch his film, Ek Chadar Maili Si. She said, “I watched it a few years ago, and again, he was brilliant in it. He said the masses didn’t get it, but I will appreciate the script.”   Somy ended by saying that it took her four years after he passed away to watch anything of his son and actor, Ranbir Kapoor. She added, “It was because I just couldn’t handle him being gone.


May 3, 2024