
I personally don't have any trouble balancing my personal life with my work schedule

Mumbai, June 19, 2024 (UTN). Megha Sharma, who has been part of shows like Baal Krishna, Mahakali – Anth Hi Aarambh Hai, and Pandya Store, says time management has never been a problem for her, and that’s why she has been able to balance her personal and professional lives so well while working in a daily soap. She said, “It's true that working in daily soaps means hardly any holidays and little time to even catch your breath. But it's all about managing your time well. I personally don't have any trouble balancing my personal life with my work schedule because I know how to prioritize and divide my time effectively. So, time has never been a problem for me in both aspects of my life.”   Sharing that she is not a fan of night shoots, she stressed that it not only takes a toll on one’s physical health but mental health too. She said, “I'm a morning person. They really take a toll on my physical health because I don't get enough sleep, and then the next day, it's back to the same schedule. And when it comes to mental health, it definitely affects anyone. When you don't get enough sleep, you tend to get cranky the next day. So yeah, night shoots are not my thing.” But daily soap does mean a daily grind, and it can be physically very exhausting, especially with the summers at the peak. Megha said she makes sure she stays hydrated to battle the heat of the season.   “It's absolutely true that working on daily soaps means facing the daily grind, especially in the summer when it gets really hot. The heat makes it tough to work, and you're constantly craving something cold. The fluctuation between hot and cold can mess with your health, leaving you feeling weak and unmotivated. To cope, I make sure to stay hydrated at all times. I drink coconut water, juice, and carry electrolytes with me to replenish whenever I feel dehydrated. I also always have a portable fan handy to keep cool,” she ended.   Mumbai-Reporter,(Hitesh Jain).


Jun 19, 2024

The idea of love is shaped in many ways by technology today: Anuraadha Tewari

Mumbai, June 19, 2024 (UTN). Dil Dosti Dilemma writer Anuraadha Tewari feels technology has and will affect relationships. She believes that the relationship presented in the digital world is completely different from the one in the real world. She shared that love has a different meaning on the internet, and it is not a real one. “Technology will affect relationships, just like it affects every other walk of life. It is a revolution, and our beings are altered by it. So even the idea of love, in many ways, is shaped by technology today. It's about the right and left swipes. About a digital persona that may be very different from the real one. It's about having Facebook affairs and Instagram One Night Stands. About breaking up over a text.    It is really an alternate universe, and in that, love has a different shade. But in many ways, it has made people lose their inhibitions a lot more and connect with strangers with more elan,” she said.  “It is a lonely world out there, and love aided by technology is the way of the future. I am waiting for people to fall in love with AI and bots. It will happen soon,” she added. Anuraadha believes that because of the increasing work pressure, there is a lack of time for everything, not just me time.  “I think, in general, there is a lack of time. The work pressures are too high. Added to that are digital distractions. Then there is just too much content to watch. Connecting with friends and traveling are also very high on people's priorities.   All of this makes it difficult for people to make too much time for others,” she said.  “In fact, a lot more people are focusing on me-time today. It's become quite the trend. So in that sense, 'people time' seems like too much energy to waste, unless absolutely necessary. My own Friends' Circle has shrunk from a very vast circle to maybe three really close friends. I don't feel the need or have the time to reach out to anyone more than that. Yet, I have functioned on dollops of me-time all my life. I feel that is sacrosanct, especially for an artist. People's energy, however, is equally important for a society to remain sane and civil. It is good to keep hanging out with people,” she concluded.   Mumbai-Reporter,(Hitesh Jain).


Jun 19, 2024

Actress Shiwani Chakraborty Remembers Her Late Father: "He Will Always Be My First Hero"

Mumbai, June 19, 2024 (UTN). This Father's Day, actress Shiwani Chakraborty seen in Maati Se Bandhi Dor opened up about the significant impact her father had on her life. In a heartfelt tribute, she remembered her father's valuable lessons and the strong bond they shared. "My father played a very important role in my life. The father-daughter bond is precious and can't be expressed in words.   It's about feelings and emotions," she said, reminiscing about her father who passed away in 2019. Shiwani credited her father for teaching her patience, honesty, and the importance of hard work. "He taught me to let time speak and be polite with everyone. I worship my work like God, just like he did," she shared. The actress emphasized the importance of fathers, often overshadowed by mothers. "Fathers are less expressive, but my baba was different.   We shared open discussions, even about boyfriends. He taught me to be in others' shoes and was never judgmental," she said. Shiwani connected with the movie Piku, which depicts a similar father-daughter bond. "I remember him every day and can feel his presence and blessings. My baba loved the gym and was into bodybuilding; he also loved teaching me. Additionally, he was passionate about music and was a very good singer, and these two things made him the happiest," she concluded.   Mumbai-Reporter,(Hitesh Jain).


Jun 19, 2024

Seeing me happy and pursuing my dreams makes my father happiest: Aradhana Sharma

Mumbai, 19 June 2024 (UTN). Aradhana Sharma, who is currently seen in Suhagan Chudail, says her father is happiest seeing her pursue her dreams. Speaking on the occasion of Father’s Day, which will be celebrated on June 16th, she said, “Seeing me happy and pursuing my dreams makes my father happiest.”  He's always encouraged me to follow my passion and stay true to myself. His happiness lies in knowing that he's played a part in my journey and that I'm fulfilling my potential in the industry,” she added.      She agrees that her father too is less expressive than other fathers, but as she grew older, she opened up to him. She said, “I think everyone is different. If I talk about my father, he is a little less expressive and vocal, but as I grew older, I started talking to him. He listens to me, and somewhere I feel the distance between him and me has decreased.”  “I have always given him attention, always expressed myself to him. I really love him, I want him, and I need him, so I never missed a chance to tell him how much I love him. From his side, too, it kept growing. Initially, it couldn't be so expressive, but yes, gradually, even he became more expressive.   And now, the relationship is growing, and it's good,” she added.  Aradhana also stressed that mothers' emotions are portrayed more prominently in TV and films, however, she added, “Fathers have a profound impact too, and their roles should be showcased more in our storytelling. In my career, I'd love to portray more nuanced father-daughter relationships on screen.” She also shared that Piku was the film that resonated deeply with her. “Although it focuses on a father-daughter relationship, it beautifully captures the dynamics and emotions involved. I appreciate films that explore such complex relationships, as they allow us to connect with our own experiences and emotions,” she ended.   Mumbai-Reporter,(Hitesh Jain).


Jun 19, 2024

वैष्णव संप्रदाय और सनातन धर्म के ऊपर कुठाराघात है आमिर खान की फ़िल्म "महाराज"

मुंबई, 19 जून 2024 (यूटीएन)। भारतीय फिल्म जगत में कुछ लोग विवादों में जानबूझकर बने रहना चाहते हैं शायद उनको लगता है कि बिवादों के बगैर उनको शोहरत हासिल नहीं हो सकती है । और इस विवादों को बढ़ावा देने के लिए वे किसी ना किसी हिन्दू भावनाओ के साथ खिलवाड़ कर उसे अभिव्यक्ति की आज़ादी और सिनेमैटिक लिबर्टी के नाम पर दर्शकों के सामने परोसकर उसपर पैसा कमाना चाहते हैं। ऐसी ही धृष्टता करने की हिमाकत इसबार किया है यशराज प्रोडक्शंस ने नेटफ्लिक्स के साथ मिलकर । दरअसल यशराज फिल्म्स और नेटफ्लिक्स ने महान वैष्णव सम्प्रदाय के ऊपर मनगढ़ंत तरीके से बेबुनियाद चीजों को जोड़ते हुए एक फ़िल्म "महाराज" बनाई है जिसमें आमिर खान के बेटे जुनैद को लॉन्च करने की प्लानिंग किये हुए हैं । अब आमिर खान का नाम आये तो बिना विवादों के यह इंसान फिल्में बना ही नहीं सकता ।   इनके द्वारा पहले बनाई गई फ़िल्म पीके, थ्री इडियट जैसी फिल्में भी विवादों का हिस्सा बनी थी जिसमें इनकी हरकतें सिर्फ हिन्दू समाज को बदनाम करने वाली ही थीं जबकि इन्होंने कभी भी मुखर होकर या किसी भी फ़िल्म के माध्यम से मुस्लिम समाज की कुरीतियों के ऊपर एक डॉक्युमेंट्री तक बनाना उचित नहीं समझा है । इसी बात को लेकर इसबार वैष्णव सम्प्रदाय को मानने वाले अनुयाइयों ने गुजरात उच्च न्यायालय में फ़िल्म महाराज की स्ट्रीमिंग को लेकर एक याचिका दायर कर दिया जिसपर सुनवाई करते हुए गुजरात उच्च न्यायालय ने यशराज फिल्म्स और नेटफ्लिक्स को नोटिस जारी करते हुए स्ट्रीमिंग को तत्काल रोकने का आदेश पारित कर दिया । फ़िल्म की स्ट्रीमिंग आज से होना निश्चित हुआ था। दरअसल फ़िल्म महाराज के बनाने वालों की दलील है की वे एक किताब से प्रेरित होकर यह फ़िल्म बना रहे हैं जबकि उस किताब की मूल अवधारणा ही हिंदुत्व के ख़िलाफ़ एक साजिश है ।   इसमें सन 1962 में हुए एक मुकदमें को केंद्रबिंदु में रखकर फ़िल्म की पटकथा तैयार की गई है जिसमें बिना किसी आधार के ही पूर्वाग्रह से प्रेरित होकर अंग्रेज जज ने सनातनी विचारों के खिलाफ निर्णय दिया था। इस केस में यदुनाथ जी बृजनाथ जी महाराज हिन्दू समाज की पैरवी एक तथाकथित समाज सुधारक पत्रकार करसनदास मुलजी के उस आलेख के बारे में किया था जिसमें उसने महराज पर सेक्सुअल गतिविधियों में लिप्त होने का निराधार आरोप लगाकर षड्यंत्र रचा था। इस केस में पूरा पब्लिक अटेंशन महराज के साथ था लेकिन उस अंग्रेज जज ने अपने मनमाने तरीके से उस मुलजी के पक्ष में फैसला सुनाया था । दरअसल आनंद प्रज्ञा टीवी ओटीटी के संस्थापक और मालिक संजय भट्ट उसी वैष्णव परम्परा को मानने वाले एक आध्यात्मिक प्रवक्ता भी हैं जो अपने वैष्णव सम्प्रदाय और सनातन समाज मे राजीव लोचन महराज के रूप में जाने जाते हैं। वैष्णव परम्परा को मानने वाले राजीव लोचन  महाराज वल्लभ कुल से बेहद नजदीकी सम्बंध रखते हैं। वो कहते हैं कि भट्ट तैलंग गोस्वामी परिवार और वल्लभ कुलीन परिवारों में वैवाहिक सम्बन्धों तक कि घनिष्ठता सदियों पूर्व से बनी हुई है ।   संजय भट्ट का कहना है कि ये महराज फ़िल्म जो बिना किसी पूर्व सूचना के अचानक से नेटफ्लिक्स पर रिलीज करने की तैयारी कर लिए थे इसलिए इनकी इस हरकत से सनातन धर्म को लेकर गलत मंशा ही परिलक्षित प्रतीत होती है । सदियों पहले मुगल शासकों ने सनातन पर प्रहार किया और अब उनके अनुयायी भी उसी नक्शे कदम पर कदमताल करते हुए चल रहे हैं । हम इनकी इन्हीं मंशाओं को कभी भी सफल नहीं होने देंगे । सदियों पूर्व मुगलों ने भी गुस्ताख़ी किया टैब भी सनातन मजबूती से अपने पथ पर टिका रहा ,उसके बाद अंग्रेज आये और उन्होंने भी अपने तरीके से हमें बदनाम करने, हमें नीचा दिखाने और अपमानित करने के हजारों प्रयास किये, हमारे क्रांतिकारियों को उन्होंने आतंकवादी करार दिया लेकिन फिर भी सनातन के उपासकों ने उनके ऊपर विजय पताका फहराते हुए देश को उनके चंगुल से आजाद कराया। अब एकबार पुनः साइलेंट तरीके से फ़िल्म बनाकर एकबार फिर से उन्हीं कुरीतियों के भ्रामक आवरण बनाकर ये विदेशी मानसिकता के पोषक लोग हमारी सनातन संस्कृति को बदनाम करने की ओछी कोशिश कर रहे हैं । हम उन्हें इस कोशिश में कत्तई नहीं कामयाब होने देंगे ।   मुंबई-रिपोर्टर,(हितेश जैन)।


Jun 19, 2024

Radhika Vidyasagar : Father-child relationships have evolved recently

Mumbai, June 16, 2024 (UTN). While she shared a close but rather disciplined and strict relationship with her father, actress Radhika Vidyasagar says that her daughter shares a fun relationship with her husband, and the two are like friends. The actress, who is currently seen in Rahul Tewary and Rolling Tales production’s Udne Ki Aasha and also recently made her Hindi film debut with Munjya, produced by Maddock films, says that days such as Father's Day must be celebrated every day.   “Happy Father's Day to all the fathers out there! I don't believe in celebrating just one day as Father's Day. As a typical Indian woman, I have a typical Indian relationship with my father, which is characteristic of the 70s and 80s. My dad, an ex-serviceman, was very disciplined and strict. Our relationship was built more on respect and discipline than on friendship, unlike today's more friendly father-child relationships. My father has taught me many valuable lessons. He instilled in me a love for plants and animals, especially dogs and cats.   My father is a big pet lover and gardener, and these passions have been passed down to me. My bond with pets and my love for gardening are directly inherited from him,” she says. She adds, “I believe that every day should be celebrated as Father's Day and Mother's Day. However, since Father's Day is on the 16th and we're going to meet in Pune, we will try to celebrate. Coincidentally, this month is filled with special occasions for us—birthdays, anniversaries, Father's Day—all in June. We will have large family gatherings, and I look forward to all of it.”   Talking about her father, she says, “My father is happiest when he is with his plants. Even at the age of 80, he spends his days gardening from morning till evening. He enjoys plucking mangoes and other fruits from his garden. Besides gardening, he finds joy in being with his patients, repairing his car and two-wheeler, and doing various tasks around the house. He also loves watching television and keeping up with the stock market, a habit he has maintained for years. Moreover, he loves travelling and makes sure to go on trips frequently. On this Father's Day, I wish him a very healthy and happy life.”   She says that fathers today are expressive in their love for their kids. “I agree that fathers tend to be less expressive, but I see this changing with the new generation. For example, my daughter and my husband share a friendship-like bond rather than a traditional father-daughter relationship. Yes, our films and television are often dominated by motherly emotions, but this dynamic is evolving,” she says.   Mumbai-Reporter, (Hitesh Jain).


Jun 16, 2024

Though he did not stop me, he was not fully supportive of me going into full-time theater: Namita Lal

Mumbai, June 16, 2024 (UTN). Namita Lal, who has been a part of movies like Before Life After Death, Lihaaf, Country of the Blind, Oxygen, and My Goal: Football, says though her father was not supportive of her choosing a career in theater, he never stopped her. She says she will forever be grateful for that. Speaking on the occasion of Father’s Day, which will be celebrated on June 16, she said, “Though he did not stop me, he was not fully supportive of me going into full-time theater during college and after it, at that time, because he wanted me to be financially independent. And I thank him for that because it was important in those days and ages.”   “If I had not been successful, I would have been dependent on my parents for my earnings, and that was not something he wanted to do. But when I moved out of my banking career, he supported me fully and wholeheartedly to now jump into this in my second inning. So that's again his contribution, which has been huge,” she added. Namita further said that she and her father are both very emotional people and would tear up easily. “He and I are both very emotional people. We cry even at the simplest of ads. If there's a father-daughter ad, an ad about jewelry, or an ad with a father saying goodbye to his daughter after marriage, we tear up,” she said.   “Some of my favorite films have been about fatherhood. If you remember Babul with Amitabh Bachchan and Rani Mukherjee, both of us really loved that film. The portrayal of fathers in the movie resonated with me because it showed the kind of father he is. I've traveled extensively with him all over the world, whether it's been to places like Vietnam, Thailand, China, or London. He has always been very, very close to me,” she added. Plans for Father’s Day? “I hope to at least be with him on video on Father's Day and his special birthday coming up, and I always think about him in my prayers and gratitude,” she ended.   Mumbai-Reporter, (Hitesh Jain).


Jun 16, 2024

Saanand Verma: My father's significant role in my career and life cannot be overstated

Mumbai, June 16, 2024 (UTN). Be it the way his life turned out, or his career flourished; actor Saanand Verma regards his father to be a significant factor in the way things have transformed in his life. The actor who has been a part of films like ‘Mardaani’, ‘Raid’, ‘Babli Bouncer’ and OTT show, ‘Apharan’, says that he has learnt so much from his father from a very young age.   “My father's significant role in my career and life cannot be overstated. He recognised my acting talent and encouraged me to perform. Even though we were poor and he ran a small business, he motivated me to work hard from a young age. He was resourceful, and perhaps that was a blessing in disguise, as it instilled in me a habit of hard work. Despite our poverty, I saw the positive side and worked hard. Because of that, I succeeded,” he says.   He adds, “He viewed our struggles as hidden blessings, shaping my character through the hardships we endured together. His unwavering support taught me the value of hard work and perseverance, which eventually led me to success. My father, always optimistic and content, taught me to remain optimistic and positive in all situations. He emphasized the importance of not letting setbacks deter me and encouraged me to persevere through hard work.” He says that fathers often face the family’s hurdles on their own. “Fathers are often less expressive and vocal about their own feelings.    When family members face stress, it's usually the head of the family, typically the father, who doesn't express his concerns openly. He tends to prioritize the well-being of the family over his own. This can lead to a sense of burden and stress, especially if the family members are heavily dependent on him. If the stress continues to mount, it can become overwhelming for both the father and the family members,” he says. However, he says that it is sad that fathers are not given as much importance when it comes to showing relationships in films and TV shows.   “Our films and television often focus more on portraying the emotions of mothers compared to fathers. This is because the entertainment industry tends to capitalize on the dramatic potential inherent in maternal roles and storytelling. As a result, fathers, who may silently endure their struggles and stresses, are often overlooked. This imbalance leads to a greater prominence of mother's emotions in our films,” he says. He adds, “However, Anupam Kher's film Saaransh is something I related strongly to the father's emotions, a father's emotions are very strong but they don't express. And this is perfectly shown in Saaransh.”   Mumbai-Reporter, (Hitesh Jain).


Jun 16, 2024

This Father's Day, Zing Celebrates the Unseen Coach in Our Lives with #DadMyFirstCoach

Mumbai, June 16, 2024 (UTN). This Father's Day, Zing is proud to unveil its latest campaign, #DadMyFirstCoach, celebrating the unique and invaluable role that dads play in our lives. More than just providers and protectors, dads are often our first coaches, offering unwavering support and cheering us on through life's many challenges.   These silent champions find joy in their children's small victories, knowing these moments pave the way for greater triumphs. Zing's new video beautifully captures the essence of fatherhood, highlighting the special ways dads express their love and support. They are our first coaches, biggest fans, and silent cheerleaders, always there to guide us toward success. This heartwarming tribute shines a light on the unsung heroes who shape our lives.   Pankaj Balhara, Business Head at Zing, shared, “Most of us wouldn’t be where we are today without the guidance and support of our fathers. They are the silent spectators who watch our every move and guide us quietly, helping us become the best versions of ourselves. This Father’s Day, we are highlighting the often-unacknowledged role dads play in shaping our skills, resilience, and character – essentially, being our first coaches.   Sometimes, the most significant victories come from the sidelines, by cheering on our children and celebrating their achievements. This video is a tribute to those dads who find their happiness in their children's success.” Join us in celebrating these remarkable role models this Father’s Day. Watch the #DadMyFirstCoach video and share your stories of the amazing dads who have helped you win in life. Let's honour the silent champions who win by watching us win.   Mumbai-Reporter, (Hitesh Jain).


Jun 16, 2024

Tech-Savvy Star: Celesti Bairagey, A Digital Star On the Rise

Mumbai, June 16, 2024 (UTN). In today’s fast-paced digital world, few celebrities shine as brightly online as Actress Celesti Bairagey. Known for her roles in "Rajjo," and "Amber Girls School" Celesti captivates audiences with her stellar on-screen performances and vibrant social media presence. Celesti is a pro at engaging with her fans. Whether she’s replying to comments, sharing behind-the-scenes snippets, or hosting live Q&A sessions, her approachable nature makes her a fan favorite. "I love reading and responding to my fans' comments. Their support means the world to me, and I want them to know that." she adds, " Your love fuels my passion and motivates me to push my boundaries every day.   Let's continue this incredible journey together. Big hugs and lots of love to each one of you!" Celesti’s love for creating content is clear in her diverse and creative posts. From funny skits and heartfelt monologues to fashion to photoshoots, she enjoys experimenting with different formats. "Creating content lets me show different sides of my personality and connect with my fans on a deeper level" she says. Her reels, in particular, are a hit, with most of them getting millions of views and going viral. This motivates her to create even more content for her fans. "Seeing my reels go viral keeps me inspired. It’s such an amazing feeling to know so many people enjoy my work," she explains.   Beyond her digital prowess, Celesti’s acting career continues to flourish with memorable performances on screen. "Acting is my passion, and every role challenges me to grow as an artist," she shares. Her ability to bring characters to life resonates with her fans, further strengthening her connection with audiences worldwide. Her ability to transform and adapt to different styles has solidified her status among her followers.  Her engaging posts, viral moments, and passion for content creation continue to charm her audience, proving she’s not just a star on screen but also a star on other platforms. One of Celesti’s most viral posts featured her in a transition reel on a trending song, showcasing her incredible skills and infectious energy. "That reel was so much fun to make! I never expected it to go viral," she recalls.   Mumbai-Reporter, (Hitesh Jain).


Jun 16, 2024